New York Presbyterian PHARM EXAM!

U.S.A. New York


i am feeling overwhelming with the studying of the drugs that columbia wanted us to know. i understand knowing the side effects are important. but do they really ask you about drug interaction and the normal amount of dosage for the drug???

any input would be great. thanks in advance! :)

Ebony RN I was wondering could you email me the pdf study material? I just had both interviews and it went well, I want to be prepared for the exam as I am currently working full time also. My email address is [email protected]. Are there many theory questions? I am taking the peds pharm exam.

Hi! I'm taking the PEDS pharm exam too, very soon! ANY advice about it would be most appreciated. I don't know where to even start studying for PEDS. Thank you!:nurse:

I have not even gotten an offer yet so I do not know what is going to happen yet. What is your email I'll fwd you the info that Ebony sent to me :) Thanks ebony!

I have not even gotten an offer yet so I do not know what is going to happen yet. What is your email I'll fwd you the info that Ebony sent to me :) Thanks ebony!

Thanks so much Ebony and Shawtiee! Shawtiee I'm sure you'll get an offer soon. :yeah::redbeathe

Hey Guys!

I recently got hired at NYP, Columbia. I'm taking the pharm test on Wednesday morning. I did the practice test and have been going through pharm review books, but I feel like I'm taking a stab in the dark. I'm nervous because I have to give my 2 weeks to my current job and don't want to fail and run into trouble. Is there any way I could get ahold of this study guide? I really would appreciate it! My email is [email protected].

Best to you all!

Hi RN Kate!

Congrats! I am in the same boat as you, but unfortunately no one has sent me

any study guide/med list as yet. :(

I am just studying NCLEX review books and doing as many dosage/IV probs as I can find. Not sure what to expect either. Hopefully someone will be able to help


Good luck and I'm sure you will pass! :-)

Specializes in RNC in OB and experience in Peds.
hey guys!

i recently got hired at nyp, columbia. i'm taking the pharm test on wednesday morning. i did the practice test and have been going through pharm review books, but i feel like i'm taking a stab in the dark. i'm nervous because i have to give my 2 weeks to my current job and don't want to fail and run into trouble. is there any way i could get ahold of this study guide? i really would appreciate it! my email is [email protected].

best to you all!

@gspice71 and @rn kate, i just emailed both of you the nyp pharm info. i'm surprised you guys didn't received anything because that is one of the first emails your hr rep sends you once you get an offer. also, i do not know anything about the pediatric exam because i did not have to take that. but the sample exam is the same flow you should expect on the exam being that is is provided by the nln. so just know your general meds, side effects, etc and get a 100% on calculations and you should be fine.

also like mentioned prior, you should delete or edit your email addresses because you can get spammed.

Thanks Ebony. This was helpful and I appreciate it! :)

Best of luck!

Thanks so much! That's the email I use for these kinds of things, so I'm covered. Thanks again! :)

passed! math is a piece of cake. Pharm side effects/adverse is a little tricky but like everyone suggested, know the catagories and the main meds given in each one. There were a few I've never heard of, but the majority are well-known.

You can do it! :-)

Congrats on passing the test! I take it on Thurs. I'm pretty nervous. If you dont mind me asking GSpice, what did you get? Im pretty confident on the math and I know the major drugs used for each category so hoping Ill do OK.

I got a 90. That's low for me, lol, but who cares right? An 80

is all u need. I'm sure you will pass. I was nervous too, but remind yourself how many nerve wracking exams you've taken and passed! ;-) You will be fine!

Best of luck but you won't need it. :-)

I feel like a loser, I failed by a question :( she said when I take it again it"ll be the same drugs, but different questions. I don't remember the drugs..haha. Does anyone remember the drugs you got? I'm super nervous now and I don't want to lose this!

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