Published Dec 1, 2010
39 Posts
Ok, so I graduated in Aug 2010, and passed the nclex Nov 1st. I have been applying everywhere and anywhere to local jobs in NM. I'm willing to work anywhere, day or night, full time, part time, temporary, or even prn. I have only received two call backs and so far have only had 2 interviews. None of the major hospitals are calling me and I am so disgusted and frustrated at this point. I've been back to school to the job connection center where they helped me clean up my resume, which they say looks great, and I apparently have a wonderful cover letter. The big problem is when I interview they say that I lack experience. So how can I get experience is my question??? If no one is willing to hire me that will never happen. I'm feeling so worthless now and wondering what the hell I went through all that schooling for. I'm ready to go back to being an Admin. Asst at this least it would provide steady income!! If anyone has any suggestions I sure am willing to listen-please help me!!!
carolmaccas66, BSN, RN
2,212 Posts
I've been telling everyone on here apply to the nursing agencies. Don't they have graduate programs thru agencies there? Some agencies I've gone through put u in private hospitals to train u up, so try that.
I'm not in the US so don't know what else to suggest. Just go back to ur old job so u aren't sitting around getting depressed. It's better than nothing.
hiddencatRN, BSN, RN
3,408 Posts
I've been telling everyone on here apply to the nursing agencies. Don't they have graduate programs thru agencies there? Some agencies I've gone through put u in private hospitals to train u up, so try that. I'm not in the US so don't know what else to suggest. Just go back to ur old job so u aren't sitting around getting depressed. It's better than nothing.
I don't know of any agencies in the US that don't require experience. If any exist I'd love their websites!
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
The economy is still slumping and this affects the hiring practices of new grads, especially in the hospital setting. Hospitals are big businesses on the lookout for the most cost-effective nurse. Unfortunately, the nurse with several years of experience is more cost-effective than the new grad because the experienced nurse can go straight to work without lengthy orientation, training, and expensive preceptorship. Many facilities look at new grads as entirely too expensive.
For now, I would advise you to look closely at non-hospital positions such as nursing homes, psychiatric hospitals, rehab facilities, home health, hospices, assisted living, adult day care, clinics, doctors' offices, group homes, and private duty. Although you probably do not want to start your career in any of these areas, these places will provide you with valuable experience and steady income.
364 Posts
Look specifically for New Grad internship to get some experience.
28 Posts
Apply to nursing homes and then jump to hospital. without experience no hospital will hire you. My friends joined nursing homes and then worked in hospital with few years of experience.
Second option is - personal connection. If you know any one in hospital - could help you getting employed.
Third option- Pray and never give up.
DC Collins, ASN
268 Posts
Did you make any good contacts at facilities where you did clinicals? I too graduated in August, and just had my first shift in the ED last night, right where I spent my last quarter of school.
DC, ED RN :)
68 Posts
Check out A friend of mine also graduated this yr & got offered a job through that site & she also got an offer from a hospital she did her clinicals at.
Not sure where you are in NM but listed on the site is a position in Albuquerque.
24 Posts
Non hospital jobs are really the only option without experience right now. It sucks, I know, but the economy has to turn around sometime. I know some states are better than others, have you considered relocating? I'm in Minnesota and it's bad here too but I know some nurses I went to school with have had to go out of state.
32 Posts
Have you tried Indian Health Service ( ?
Spoiled1, MSN, RN
463 Posts
I agree with the previous posters--go for the non-hospital experience. Start wherever you can. I had to started in HH almost 2 years ago. Will be going to ICU step down in about 2 weeks!
67 Posts
The best advice I can give you, besides the great advice everyone has already given, is to find some place where you can volunteer (while you are either searching for a job or working in one that will get you where you want to be). I volunteer at a local free clinic in my county that is for people without insurance. You could just google in your town where there might be something like that. I know most cities have some sort of organization that does that. That would at least get something better on your resume besides not having had prior experience. But I know how you feel, I'm a new LPN and everyone told me the same thing. I had the volunteering on my resume and that seemed to help a little. I just basically took the first job that was offered to me. Best of luck!