New LPN having a hard time finding work!!!

Nurses LPN/LVN


I graduated from school in March and Passed the boards like 3 weeks later:yeah:, I am just finding it so hard to find work because everyone expects you to have experience prior to them hiring you. I don't get it! Every where that I've inerviewed I've gotten good responses and they all tell me that if I had the experience necessary I would've been hired, this is just sad. Any suggestions? Please help!!:cry:

I don't think it's a waste of time because once you get the experience you need jobs will be falling into your lap. Do not get discouraged, Im not!

im a new grad too, i got licensed the last week of April and just started with my first job the other day. Like everyone else, i got discouraged too and was even getting depressed because I graduated top of my class and everyone was expecting me to get a job really fast. And I did, kind of. I got a job offer for weekends a week and a half after I got my license but I didnt start till the other day.

I would recommend everyone to just walk in and turn in an application, even if they tell you they don't hire new grads, or they prefer people with experience. Make sure you turn in an app with a resume. Most of the time, if the DON or DSD is there, they would irnterview you right away. With my current job, I believe the DON was not really going to hire me because they don't have much budget for orienting new grads, but I insisted that they don't have to orient me for too long because I am a fast learner and I can do and I am ready to do whatever they are willing to give me. And there she checked her computer for the schedule and gave me the morning weekends schedule. But they didn't call me to start till the other day. And then after that I started getting calls from other places too. But I can't take them anymore because a full time position opened up at my work and they are giving it to me!

I advise everyone to just try and don't give up. SOmething's gonna come up, when the right time comes. Your time WILL come. It can get discouraging at times, but just try, you're not gonna lose anything if they say no to you. during interviews, give them your best.

If you live in L.A. I know some places that are hiring. Just send me a message if you need help. good luck to everyone.

If worse comes to worse, people looking for a job should seek out the companies that are doing flu clinics from August to about December. They usually hire anybody and it is a nursing job to put down on your resume. Good luck to all who are still looking.

Specializes in I DONT KNOW YET.

Im in los angeles and got my license in March.

Everywhere i wanted to work wont hire me because i am a new grad.

Now i am desperate and have to take the only two agencies that hire new grads for home health.

One agency will pay only $16 an hour - 1 patient for 8 hours. I though $17 was the minimum salary. I wanted $20 to $22!

The other agency will give $25 per visit - going from house to house, but i dont know yet how many patients i will get from them - enough to have a 40week schedule? i doubt it.

I go for an interview on Monday for the '1patient for 8 hour' weekend job.


I have to get experience this way!

It just better be good enough 6 months to 1 year down the road, so i can get into a hospital setting!


LVN doesnt give you many opportunities, now does it?

I am 53.

I give myself 5 years to achieve my BSN, ha ! i'll be 58 - since i have pre-reqs to complete first. I need the RNs salary - $40/HOUR!

SO YEAH!! I FEEL I GOT COMPLETELY RIPPED OFF ! If I would have known this two years ago I would have jost gone for the RN!

LVN Schools are everywhere!


California are spitting our LVN's by the hundreds - - - and then now one hires you?

HOW MANY unemployed LVN's are in California?





I feel the same way you do! I also got my license in March and still no job yet. I am up here near San Francisco, and the same thing, "need at least 1 year experience" NO NEW GRADS!:cry: AND there seems to be job openings but for the experienced LVN(I apply to them anyways just in case they would consider a new grad, but no luck yet. Yeah I am also looking into going back to get my RN, instead of sitting around waiting. Might as well right? It is frustrating, here it is now going into June, and still no job! In the mean time, I have been reading my nurse notes and books again just to stay busy so I don't forget anything I have learned, along with applying for positions, and interviewing. We just have to keep trying and hope things get better for all of us. While I was in school, I heard from RNs while I was doing my clinicals that everywhere(Hospitals etc), would be phasing out LVNs, and that we(LPN/LVN) would have to become RNs anyway. Did you hear anything like that?

Specializes in I DONT KNOW YET.

I only heard they are fazing out LVN's from AllNurses. And I only knew of this website after i graduated.

Wannabenars - what places in L A are hiring new grads that you know of ...

(ps: i dont know how to email you personally, sorry)

...Well I didn't get the call from the place I interviewed with last week, they said I would hear something by I guess I along with 18 others will still be out there looking for work! Oh well that's how it goes....I will try not to be too upset....just start new search monday!

hi. i am sorry to hear that everyone's still having a hard time looking for a job. i too am trying to do rn school. i hate being an lvn. i have a job but its not very nice. 47 patients to take care of. how in the world can i "take care" of 47 patients? can someone please tell me?? i dont wanna work in ltc anymore. its too much stuff to do, so little time. and you cant go overtime. so if you dont finish your job on time then you just have to work for free. and they know that you cant finish your job on time unless you do some kind of magic, and by magic, i mean something you're not supposed to do.

anyhow, for those asking for ltc's in LA, there's windsor gardens in crenshaw/olympic. they called me after i started training at my current job. i should have went there instead, they have less patients. and there's the american private duty in noho for home health. they only start with $16, but people are jumping to it just so they can get experience. i was gonna get it too, but my current job offers way more so obviously i would take something that gives me more money so i can pay off my loan from nursing school. longwood manor in washington/la brea is hiring too. il update you guys if i hear of other places that are hiring. good luck!

LPN/VN have been getting phased out forever,my mom has been an LPN for almost 40 years and she said that when she was in school they were saying that! Well Im not gonna take any chances so Im going back to school. Thank you ladies for all of your input, I greatly appreciate it!

Specializes in Med/Surg, Progressive Tele.

First off, its tough all over for nurses to find jobs. I'm lucky to have a hopsital job in PHX, AZ. I would like a part time job and its just really tough, so many nurses who once only worked agency work, are now scrambling to find any jobs. Agency work here in PHX, has dried up, it use to be very easy to work 3-4 days, but I know many nurses both LPN and RN's who haven't worked in months because the hospital aren't using agency nurses anymore. Its just the sign of the times...

hi! wannabenars . i send message( mail) to you. thank you!

Specializes in LTC.

For those having a hard time finding a job, exactly how many facilities have you applied to? This will give me an idea of just how bad it is. I know some RNs have applied to over 100 facilities without any bites. Just wondering if it is that bad for LVNs, particularly in CA.

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