New LPN having a hard time finding work!!!

Nurses LPN/LVN


I graduated from school in March and Passed the boards like 3 weeks later:yeah:, I am just finding it so hard to find work because everyone expects you to have experience prior to them hiring you. I don't get it! Every where that I've inerviewed I've gotten good responses and they all tell me that if I had the experience necessary I would've been hired, this is just sad. Any suggestions? Please help!!:cry:

ALOT!!!! Everyone that I've applied with keeps telling me that they'd love to have someone like me on their staff but they just cannot provide the proper training needed.

Specializes in LTC.
ALOT!!!! Everyone that I've applied with keeps telling me that they'd love to have someone like me on their staff but they just cannot provide the proper training needed.

How many is a lot? I'm just trying to figure out at what point I should start freaking out (not that I'm not already).

Join the club. I've been an LPN for going on 2 years this summer and have yet to get a full-time job. I had 2 part-time jobs, but am down to one that is very part-time right now. I'm about ready to try to jump on a job from a staffing company and move across country if I can get a hold of her and it sounds ok. Not sure if it will be possible-how fast I have to sell the house and stuff...

I honestly couldnt tell you the exact amount but I've had about 5 interviews and everyone says the same thing "oh we'd love to have you come and work for us but you just don't have the experience that we need for this position". Im gonna keep plugging away at it and I feel like some day soon I'll have a job and get the experience that I need and then I'll move on to a job that I want some where else.

Specializes in LTC.


Well, at least you are getting interviews. That is encouraging. I need a job now so I think I'm going to start applying at office temp agencies and keep applying at LTC and ALF. I want to take some additional certification classes but I have absolutely no money for it right now.

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