New grad with 2 job offers

Nurses General Nursing



This is my very first post on allnurses however I have been checking this site religiously since I first started school 2 years ago. It had helped me in so many ways...

anyways... I graduated from ecpi ADN program 2 weeks ago. I got an interview for a new grad residency program at uva last week for 2 interviews. I had applied back in November, almost 6 mo ago. I chose neuro and oncology. They gave me job interviews for their neuro ICU and oncology dept. I went to the interview and it went really well and they offered me both positions. I am so thankful and excited but I am just freaking about what to chose. I like both because I have family with both brain cancer (my dad) and my my grandmother has breast and lungs mets. Both topics are close to my heart. However, while ICU interview went great I felt such a connection in the onco unit. Much more family like vibe, better atomosphere for a new grad and I also think it would benefit me personally more. However neuro ICU is a position I'd be blessed to learn on. I'd feel like I was turning down a really great opourtunity as a new grad nurse to turn that down. I am so turn. My heart is screaming onco, as I know I would be oat happiest there and the ICU is I assume, very hard for a new grad. However they offer 5 mo orientation for ICU. 3 months on onco. I am freaking out because I have to make a choice by tomorrow! I know ICU would be great for my career but something just deep down inside me is saying go for onco. I just don't want to pick onco and feel like I made a terrible choice for my career. Or pick neuro and feel completely overwhelmed and miserable. I need some advice!

sprry for typos I just got home from night shift!

thank you!!!


Specializes in ICU.

^Watched the short clip. Then Saw Scorpion from Mortal Kombat and clicked on him.Watched a minute. TOASTY!

While both specialities would be something I would run away from.

Go with you instinct. Good luck.

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.

This is my very first post on allnurses however I have been checking this site religiously since I first started school 2 years ago. It had helped me in so many ways...

anyways... I graduated from ecpi ADN program 2 weeks ago. I got an interview for a new grad residency program at uva last week for 2 interviews. I had applied back in November, almost 6 mo ago. I chose neuro and oncology. They gave me job interviews for their neuro ICU and oncology dept. I went to the interview and it went really well and they offered me both positions. I am so thankful and excited but I am just freaking about what to chose. I like both because I have family with both brain cancer (my dad) and my my grandmother has breast and lungs mets. Both topics are close to my heart. However, while ICU interview went great I felt such a connection in the onco unit. Much more family like vibe, better atomosphere for a new grad and I also think it would benefit me personally more. However neuro ICU is a position I'd be blessed to learn on. I'd feel like I was turning down a really great opourtunity as a new grad nurse to turn that down. I am so turn. My heart is screaming onco, as I know I would be oat happiest there and the ICU is I assume, very hard for a new grad. However they offer 5 mo orientation for ICU. 3 months on onco. I am freaking out because I have to make a choice by tomorrow! I know ICU would be great for my career but something just deep down inside me is saying go for onco. I just don't want to pick onco and feel like I made a terrible choice for my career. Or pick neuro and feel completely overwhelmed and miserable. I need some advice!

sprry for typos I just got home from night shift!

thank you!!!

Your gut is telling you what to do. Listen to your gut.

Thanks everyone for your great input.

i formally accepted the oncology position today and I am very excited.

Specializes in CMSRN, hospice.

Congratulations! Enjoy and update us on how it's going!

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.
Thanks everyone for your great input.

i formally accepted the oncology position today and I am very excited.

Good for you! You went with the gut! Oncology is very interesting and I think you'll learn tons.

Specializes in Med Surg, PCU, Travel.
Thanks everyone for your great input.

i formally accepted the oncology position today and I am very excited.

Just reading your post, think it was the right choice. With 1 or 2 yrs in med surg you can always move on to ICU later. Just a few weeks ago we had a new grad transfer from ICU cause he couldn't handle it. Its really not for everyone to start of with and he wasted 10 weeks there. Now in med surg we are finding he's making mistakes, nothing major, but Med Surg gives a solid foundation to correct these before they turn to life threatening ones.

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