New Grad interview: Tell me about yourself - What do I say?


Tell me about yourself?

This is a question I am anxious about. So many of my classmates have graduated Summa Cum Laude, President of nursing club, and so many distinctions. I feel like the only thing I can say is I graduated with a BSN and I passed NCLEX. During school, my grade point average was 3.3 which is OK. I participated in NSNA but have not held any position. What can I talk about?

Specializes in Tele, ICU, Staff Development.

Thanks, proud nurse! That's a great tip about knowing the mission statement.

Specializes in ED, Cardiac-step down, tele, med surg.

When I've been asked that I only reveal professional info. I tell people about my education, accomplishments, volunteer work, passion for nursing. I NEVER reveal personal info and I usually do very well on interviews. I don't think they want to know what your hobbies are, in fact I think some managers might think that weird if you reveal anything personal. When ever I interview I answer questions as they relate to the job and that's it. I would never volunteer anything else like my marital status or age or any other info that is forbidden to ask about. I highly doubt that is the kind of thing they want to know.

Focus on whatever positive professional things about you that you can think of, and also tie in how you became passionate about nursing and the specific area of nursing that you are interviewing for. Be you, and you will be unique. Good luck. :)

Specializes in Leadership, Psych, HomeCare, Amb. Care.

Singwithme123 gives some good advice.

Also, the new grad shouldn't read too much into that question. I really intend it to be an icebreaker type of thing. Just to get you talking a bit and loosen you up.

Im not going to make a decision to hire you, or not hire you, based on that one question, so just relax.

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