New Grad in Australia??


Hello all again,

Like I said in my previous post, I hope to graduate in may and move to Australia in December. Here in my town,LPN's cannot work in hospitals so I've only really had nursing home experience. I worked in a hospital in Louisville, KY, but that was 3 hours away and going to school, the drive was just too much. Here hospitals arent really likely to hire anyone without at least a year of med/surg experience. How is it over there? Are they more apt to hire a new grad with no med/surg experience? I'll actually be an LPN for 2 years and an RN for 1/2 year when we hopefully move...will that help my chances any??? Thanks for your responses! :)

Specializes in ICU.

We will put you into a Grad program if you like:D That is in QLD. I do recommend you start at either a metropolitan or larger country town hospital NOT a rural or remote hospital. Again apply direct or here go to that is the QLD site. Other states also have sites such as victoria

As you can see they are all goverment websites (.gov gives it away) mostly because the goverment is our biggest employer.

Where are you thinking of living?


You have been ever so helpful! Thank you! I actually would love to go on for school, but I just want to get over there first! lol....I would love to live in Queensland. Like I said before, I've been there and absolutely loved it (for the part that I've seen). I'm just afraid that I won't be able to go there or I won't be able to afford living there. I've looked at some real estate, and they all seem pretty pricey! What do you think about the cost of living there?

Specializes in ICU.

The real estate market is about to go flat and not so much bust as slide into a cheaper level. Plenty of reasonable rentals especially in among units. The prices of course depend on how close you are to the city. If it is just the two of you I suggest looking to rent a unit in a "six pack" (local slang) which is just six units(apartments) in the block - don't get somewhere that has an elevator or a swimming pool (they look nice but they double the rent). I suggest renting until you find your way around.

Cost of living - not too bad here you will be making a reasonable wage and food is reasonable. It is very difficult to compare as somethings are dearer and some cheaper.

We do have a good bus service so and most connect almost directly to the hospitals so that you can rely on public transport if you want to.

Contact the hospitals now as the sooner you do this the easier it will be. It can take MONTHS to get visa's etc okayed through DIMIA.

Thanks for the info! I know you said to go for some metropolitan hospitals, but do you have any in Queensland that you would recommend? What are he normal patient to nurse ratio in QLD hospitals?

Specializes in ICU.

There are a lot - mostly the state goverment hospitals are have the grad nurse programs. There are some good private hospitals and some not so good private hospitals.

Brisbane the major public hospitals (along with the suburb so you know where to look for rentals) are

Princess Alexandra - Wooloongabba

Royal Brisbane Hospital - Herston

Royal Childrens' Hospital - Herston

Prince Charles Hospital - Chermside

Mater Adults Hospital - South Brisbane

Queen Elizabeth II Hopital - Acacia Ridge

The private hospitals include

Greenslopes Private Hospital - Greenslopes

St Andrews Private Hospital - Spring Hill

Mater Private Hospital - South Brisbane

Wesely Private Hospital - Auchenflower

There are some more but these are the main ones.

I would LOVE to work in a children's hospital! That is my dream. The only Ped's experience is home health, but they had some major complications. I'm so happy to hear that is one of your recommendations. Where is Herston??

Specializes in Med/Surg/Ortho/HH/Radiology-Now Retired.

Then again..... you could always come to BEAUTIFUL SOUTH AUSTRALIA!!! LOL

We don't have HALF the deadly critters that exist in Queensland! LOL

*ducks from incoming from gwenith!* LOL

This late in the year you will probably not be able to get into a grad program for the start of next year but will be able to for mid year graduate program intake. However if you will be here next year I have heard that Ipswich Hospital is still looking for grads to fill their program for next year. If your interested you'd have to ring Chris Holligum who is the prgram coordinator and talk to her about it.

Hope this helps!

BTW Ipswich is about 40 mins from Brisbane CBD and is serviced by buses, trains. Rent is also alot cheaper than brisbane.

This is some information from RBWH website

Helpful information for overseas applicants

If you are from overseas and considering moving to Australia to work, there are plenty of online resources to assist you with your planning.

Tourism Queensland provides a list of Queensland Visitor Information Centres, Queensland public holidays, essential services, travel tips and much more. Information about Brisbane is also available.

Assistance with immigration, customs and travel can be found at the site.

You may also be interested in learning about Australian wages and conditions of employment

Specializes in Medical.

You know, Victoria has actual weather...

Specializes in Med onc, med, surg, now in ICU!.
You know, Victoria has actual weather...

Yes, doesn't the song say "four seasons in one day"?

NSW has predictable weather.

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