New to this forum, I am hoping you can help me brainstorm for a school project!

Nurses General Nursing


Hello...I am an RN (18 years) and I am returning to school to get my BSN. I need help with a research project. What I need is a list of any "music videos" (not movies, not informational videos..MUSIC VIDEOS) that have nurses portrayed in them (positively or negatively). I also need a list of any "VIDEO GAMES" that have nurses in them.

Thanks in advance for any help I can get from any of you!!!:)

Specializes in Pediatrics, Geriatrics, Call Center RN.

My husband says he thinks there is a stripper dressed as a nurse in Motley Crue Girls, Girls, Girls video!:)

WOW!!! Thanks everyone, this definitely gives me a good start! I look forward to getting to know everyone.....if I ever have time!:rolleyes:

I'll keep you posted on my project. It is a group project, not due for awhile but I don't want to wait until the last minute.

Thanks again!!!!:kiss

Hehe.. your like me.. I do projects ASAP!! We had a report do on a book in PSY.. its not do till Nov and I already turned mine in :p

I forget the name of the song, but the video Faith Hill did where she's dressed up like different people throughout the video (it's not that old); she dresses up like a nurse that looks like a hooker...super-tight, super-short dress, cap with a big red cross on it, big heart-shaped tattoo on her arm, stilletto know, the whole "male fantasy nurse."

I'll try to find out which one it is; really irritated me when I saw it, though.

I think that N*stink....oopss...N*sync has a video with a nurse in it? I think it's "I drive myself crazy." I don't know for sure though.

i think its "This Kiss" by Faith Hill that has her dressed like a nurse

I think you're right...I hate country, so I don't usually pay attention to song titles, etc.

I'm glad you remembered it, though, because it was starting to bug me that I couldn't remember the title.

jill scott has a video called "gimmee, gimmee" an she portrays a nurse walking thru hospital hallways singing , "gimmee your love"

Originally posted by meandragonbrett

I think that N*stink....oopss...N*sync has a video with a nurse in it? I think it's "I drive myself crazy." I don't know for sure though.

Hm.. I seem to remember that video.. I think it had a doc in it though? Shoulda paid attention the one time I watched it I guess :roll

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