Published Aug 6, 2005
2 Posts
just started an lpn program here in florida. the teacher told us we will have a test every single day except clinical days for a entire year. she said expect 6 hours of studying a night. last year only 14 out of 33 finished the program. however of the ones that passed there is like a 97% nclex-pn pass rate. she was telling us about all the mistakes we could make to that would get us kicked out. has everyone been nervous? i am already thinking of quitting!
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
Yes, nervous is part of it all. It is perfectly normal. You will do great though. Welome to the site and good luck :wink2:
Fun2, BSN, RN
5,586 Posts
Now you know about what to expect, plan for worse, hope it will be better. lol
Be determined you will not be one of the 20-33, but one of the 1-19 that make it through.
Good luck! :)
444 Posts
Don't let what the instructor said intimidate you. Like the other posters said you can make it. Part of the success is determination as well. That goes a long way. It will push you to succeed. :)
38 Posts
As posted previously, nervous is VERY normal. You've gotten this far; you'll be able to finish and reach your goals. Believe in yourself and you'll be a nurse before you know it!
Best of luck,
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,756 Posts
Take it one day at a time and do your best. Good luck!
337 Posts
You can do it, just have faith in yourself and keep your determination up. It will be so worth it in the end. Good luck to you!~:)
344 Posts
These instructors are just trying to get you to get your priorities in order. They are right, THIS IS AN INTENSE COURSE. I don't think it was 6 hrs. a night on homework, more like 3 or 4 hrs. nightly. Yes we did test everyday. Sometimes 2 or 3 tests a day. Just prepare to work like a dog. You can do it, but your classmates will weed out quickly. You'll do great. I have some really wonderful memories of LPN school, and at the same time it is one of the hardest things I've ever done. Best of luck to ya...
I agree! Your first challenge is to not let the instructor intimidate you. That is the first part of the elimination process for lots of people. :)
23 Posts
I hear the same thing but I have decided that I am not leaving that program until I grad. or they ask me to leave.Nursing has been a dream for a long time with MANY hoops to jump threw and Iplan to work hard,sleep less,and eat lessbut I want it bad so there for I KNOW I will see the end of this hard road.I have been scared of nursing school for a long time until I thought of something----How was Hitler able to keep a WHOLE country down? F E A R GOOD LUCK!!!!!We all are pulling for ya!!!!