Published Feb 15, 2018
9 Posts
Hello Everyone,
I'm a new grad RN, I was very lucky and got many offers. I really wanted to work in the ED, as I have a background that would have meshed well. I also love it. However, the ED I accepted and later declined because there where a lot of red flags. I interviewed for several others and unfortunately HR at those facilities moves slower than a slug. So, I accepted a local OR position. It's fulltime days, 8 hour days. This is only my second week; however, I don't think this is a good fit. The OR staff, specifically the techs are nasty. The older nurses, won't even speak to me. I sat in one procedure for 4 hours and no even addressed I was there. I know the manager and the clinical specialist, and I feel I have an obligation to them to stay. However, I'm miserable. I bored, the OR was not my first choice. Moreover, in the mean time I got offered a ER position with one of the university hospitals. I really want to take it as it is 72 hours, and nights (which I love). I don't know why to do, I don't want to get black listed but I also think I deserve to be happy. I spoke with the manager today about the behaviors, and she said yes it happens "but eventually it all levels out". To me that's doesn't inspire a lot of confidence. Please I need advise.
J.Adderton, BSN, MSN
121 Articles; 502 Posts
First, I don't think you are obligated to other people, even if friends, to stay in a position that is a bad fit. If you are this unhappy, then I would be honest with hiring manager and go ahead and submit resignation. They will probably be grateful for not having to spend time/money training someone who will not keep position long. Good luck, hope this helps.
6,953 Posts
I spoke with the manager today about the behaviors, and she said yes it happens "but eventually it all levels out". To me that's doesn't inspire a lot of confidence. Please I need advise.
Kinda sounds like they're happy enough with the status quo.
They make their choices, you make yours.
462 Posts
If they are truly your friends, then they will be supportive and want you to be where you'll be happiest. Might you be happy there after "it all levels out"? Maybe, but if ER was/is your passion then go for it.
12,646 Posts
I think you should make the switch.
OR is a very different animal, and if you don't love it, it won't really prepare you for the type of nursing you want.
Good luck, and keep us posted!
HeySis, BSN, RN
435 Posts
I so agree with the other comments. You haven't been there long, so thankfully they haven't invested a ton of money yet. Our OR nurses do 6 months of orientation, its complicated and because there are so many different doctors doing even the same surgery with different likes, not to mention different types of surgeries, it takes a while to get up and running.
There is a very different mentality and skill set between the ED and the OR, if you really want to do the ED, then I'd switch... write a letter to your manager. Explain that you don't feel this is a good fit and you don't want to waste their time or money. Offer two weeks notice, with a specific last day you can work is(fill in the date two weeks from when you are going to turn the letter in). But don't be surprised if they just cut you loose. Two weeks helps a bit when your trying to replace someone already taking an assignment... it's a no brainer to me to not train for another two weeks someone that isn't taking assignments and is going to leave anyway. But still offer, its the right thing to do. Make sure you hand a copy to HR so it can go in your files.
Green Tea, RN
138 Posts
I work in the OR. I think you should not have chosen the OR if it was not your first choice because the OR is quite different from other nursing specialities. If I were you, I would submit a two weeks notice right away and accept the ER position.
canoehead, BSN, RN
6,901 Posts
No debate for me, submit your notice as soon as you get the ER position. If you had gone into a welcoming environment with good teachers you might have loved the OR, but that didn't happen. Their loss.
@Green Tea
Thank you for your comment. Though I did want ED, I thought OR might be a good fit as it is fast paced and ever changing. Thus, I wanted to give it a try as I do want a diversified skills set. However, the nasty, rude and territorial individuals ruined that opportunity.
I did not make my decision lightly as I had other opportunities, I sincerely wanted to see if I enjoyed it as others I know have.
Thank you,
Thank you so much for your comments @canoehead and others. I really appreciate your feedback!