Need psych help in Texas--No insurance


I know someone who is seeking psych help for bipolar disorder that she feels is out of hand...She's burning herself, etc. and she thinks she needs to be in residential treatment. BUT, she has no insurance and no family to speak of. She tried to get help through her University, but whoever they sent her to didn't think she was bad enough for residential treatment. Now, it's gotten to the point where she's dropped out of school (so she no longer has that resource) and she's living with the pastor of her church until she can figure something out. Do any of you have any idea where she can turn? Surely, there's help for her somewhere.:uhoh21:

Specializes in Critical Care.

MHMR in the phone book.

Mental Health Mental Retardation - it's a state agency, look under state gov't.

That's what they do. Although, they don't usually provide residential treatment if you aren't an imminent suicide/injury to others risk. But that's the state's definition of emergent and their budget doesn't permit non-emergent in-facility care.

But they can provide her w/ treatment.



Specializes in ICU, PICC Nurse, Nursing Supervisor.

What city does she live in? She can always go to JPS Pysch ER (Ft Worth) and they might admit her to Trinity springs.. There psych hospital.

There should be some sort of community mental health agency where she can go for evaluation and/or outpatient treatment and possible crisis stabilization.

I hope your person already got some help; if not MHMRA is a good place to start. If she is suicidal call the crisis hotline in her city or go to the ER. Unfortunately unless she is suicidal or poses a danger to hermself or others inpatient care will not be offered. It is a shame that people with mental ilnesses do not have access to good care unless they have insurance or plenty of money.

Well, she's burning herself with a hot glue gun. She has about 6-7 ugly, round burns on her forearm where she's burned herself. I would think that would be enough to convince someone that she's a danger to herself, but apparently not! Such a shame. She's a good girl, but she has no family to speak of and she's trying to help raise her two little nieces. One would think that there would be help for her somewhere. More proof that money talks, I guess!

There are crisis hotlines, as well as church organizations. I know someone who was broke and needed counseling, she went to Catholic Social Services and they didn't charge her a dime.

I will pray that your friend finds peace.


Specializes in Med-Surg, Geriatric, Behavioral Health.

She can call 1-800-SUICIDE in the US.

Well, she's burning herself with a hot glue gun. She has about 6-7 ugly, round burns on her forearm where she's burned herself. I would think that would be enough to convince someone that she's a danger to herself, but apparently not!

Without a doubt, she is a danger to herself, but her behavior is not suicidal rather impulsive/self-mutilation (without knowing the whole story, perhaps that's what keeps her out of an inpatient facility). Having said that, I'd think that if she presented to an ER, they'd have to do a psych eval which would at least start the process of setting her up with some resources for insurance/psych care.

Specializes in ICU, CM, Geriatrics, Management.
... if she presented to an ER, they'd have to do a psych eval which would at least start the process..

My thoughts exactly.

Good luck!

Specializes in Psychiatry and addictions.

I hate to give this advice... Don't like to tell people to lie, but if it was me or a member of my family, I'd go to the ER and say the "magic words". Meaning she has to threaten to kill herself... the burns are evidence of a serious problem, but they can ignore it if her life isn't "in danger".

Yeah, I kind of thought the same thing. We had to do that with my brother once or twice, although we weren't just "saying" it in his case. My friend is getting help--She finally found a hospital that would take her long enough for them to re-adjust her meds and get her on an even keel again. I just want her to be monitored a little more closely, so I pray that this hospital she was in will do just that.

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