Published Aug 17, 2010
13 Posts
American with Israeli RN degree with 25 yrs experience in only public health. Have failed one CGFNS exam and the NCLEX twice. Am at my wits end but don't want to give up as it's the only education I have and would prefer to work in my profession. Have endless CD's and books $$$. Beginning Kaplan NCLEX prep in a few days for strategy emphasis. Any suggestions from anyone who feels they needed to learn 3 years of nursing in a short time or who had a similar experience? Don't want to imagine the prospect of "having" to go to nursing school here all over again.
1,700 Posts
Kaplan is good and so is Saunders. I was 16 yrs out school when I passed. It's about the strategies more than the knowledge.
I also would really recommend the "N-CLEX Made Easy" books (both the review and the practice questions.) Those silly little cartoons really stick in your head!!
9livesRN, BSN, RN
1,570 Posts
Mosby is what I would recommend if you can get to the end of that and Lacharity without going coo coo then you will pass!
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
Moved to the NCLEX forum, After a couple of attempts I found Saunders Comprehensive review and found that is what helped me. I practised questions and read the rationale I also did NCSBN (learningext)
38,333 Posts
Most people are successful using Saunders Comprehensive Review, the Linda LaCharity book on prioritization, and the Kaplan review book for strategies. Good luck.
Thank you all for your suggestions. I'll definitely get my hands on those books and check them out!!