Need interview help!!! Northeastern Direct Entry

Nurses New Nurse


has anyone interviewed at northeastern for the direct-entry program? i have an interview this saturday and i don't know what to expect- any advice?

i got into regis and should hear from umass in a few weeks. i also applied to simmons. my biggest concern (besides getting in) are the student loans i'll have to face when i graduate. if anyone has been through one of these programs, is there anything you can tell me about the strength of the programs in comparison to their cost!?


Seems like it'd be pretty easy to just acknowledge emails or send out a group response if they are getting many of the same questions from everyone, which I assume they are.

I felt like I put in a lot of effort into my application to various programs, getting references, collecting transcripts, writing my letter of intent etc. I don't think it's much to ask for an email of acknowledgement.

The person that interviewed me for NEU was very positive, saying things like "I'll see you in class" "You're a great applicant and I hope you choose us" and what not. Then to not hear anything for a few weeks, to receive no response from the program director, no acknowledgement of emails, no letter, nothing. If the person I interviewed with hadn't said those things I'd be fine but having her say those things and then hearing nothing. I feel kind of jerked around of something.

MGH is great and I'm excited to have the opportunity there. The NEU thing just annoying and I'm sure they are losing good candidates as a result. Some people probably that would have choosen them but are accepting else where since they haven't heard...that's taking up a space for someone else in a program that maybe was their first choice but they were put on a wait list for. Boston is a small city and I imagine a lot of people applied to many programs in the area. If communication was better with some of these programs maybe more people would end up where they want to be.

Hi! Any more news on NEU?? The coordinator there does not seem to get back to everyone but loves to lead many of us on when we do speak to her...It's really annoying and many people have regretted giving them $$ for an application. I wonder if those who read this site may not apply there next year after they see us all complaining!

The only news is that rolling admissions is a terrible way to do grad school applications

The only news is that rolling admissions is a terrible way to do grad school applications

I still have not heard anything from NEU. I think I'm going to call and have them remove my application from those being reviewed... if they are even still doing that. It's pointless at this point because I'll definitely be going to MGH or Simmons. Has anyone done this, or even know how to go about doing it? I've never exactly had any luck getting someone on the phone there...

I still have not heard from them either. Btw, for those waiting for Simmons, I called and they did review the apps in 2 batches. They said they had so many they had to review them in 2 groups! They did the people who applied first in one group and now are reviewing the others. They also told me I had to complete my 08 tax returns asap so I went and did them immediately..

Specializes in Pediatrics.

Just in case you all are waiting to hear... I got my lovely rejection letter today. I'm not very upset though because I am sending in my deposit to Regis College anyway and I am very disappointed in how Northeastern handled it. But yeah just thought I would share that I FINALLY heard something from them so I assume many of you can assume to hear soon as well.

Congrats on Regis! That's a great school. Things have a way of working out as they are suppose to. I totally agree with you about NEU's processes!

The NEU coordinator has a couple of assts too! They have both gotten back to me for 2 diff questions, but aren't very's basically her telling them to tell me something-

The 1st time it was that my psychology minor will not fulfill their requirement for dev psych, which by the way does not make sense as my psych minor studies def covered life to death which is what dev does. And bc it came from her asst, I could not even speak to anyone about it. It was an e-mail. So annoying!

Then, another asst of hers wrote to me they only had 20 something spots and could not accept me this year but encourage me to reapply next year. No thanks! If I knew they only had such few spots and at the time I was applying a number had already been accepted bc of the rolling admissions, I would never had applied there. Guess that was my fault. Anyways, keeping my fingers crossed for Simmons. Good luck all!!! And Regis is a great school!

What makes Simmons a good school? I was accepted, but I'm not sure if I want to attend. Any news, comments?

I'm not sure I want to believe the things the school has to say about itsself on its own website. I was hoping people who have either attended or know someone who has attended may have some insight.

Simmons has good location, a strong undergrad program in nursing, and a pretty good reputation. I met with the director of the direct-entry program a while back--their focus is very clinical based, preparing you to be an APN (as opposed to other programs that prepare/encourage their students to pursue even further advanced degrees). The facilities were great also. Simmons can offer you a great education with warm, friendly professors focused on making you the best nurse you can be. But if you're looking for a big name and lots of prestige, Simmons isn't it. It's all about what you're looking for.

US News Rankings for Schools in Boston Area w Direct Entry

1- BC

2- NEU

3- MGH

4- Umass Worcester

5- Simmons

6- Regis

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