i need some honest feedback


hi everyone..thanks for reading!! i am a 28 year old female living in california, but may move to new york in a couple years... due to circumstances i was unable to finish college.... i have been working..but my heart is just not into it... i have always wanted to be a nurse..but i felt either so unsure of myself when i was younger and now i finally feel ready to begin.

i want to take a 2 year course at a community college..i have some prerequisites done, but i have a couple more to go... what i reallllllllllllllllllly need to know is.... honestly..how hard is nursing school??? i was a very good student..but when it came to math...forgettaboutit lol i dont want that to hold me back..because i love all other subjects and personally dealing with many health issues..makes me passionate about healthcare.

but so i am prepared mentally.... how hard is nursing school? although i know anything is possible, would you advise working while in school??? and being i am more of a creative person vs mathematic....do you think i am in for an uphill battle..or is nursing more about the heart and passion than just numbers and formulas???

every time i think about truly being able to help others and be a nurse... i want to cry because i feel i have found my calling..but...perhaps because of some self esteem issues from the past..at times i feel....am i smart enough to do this???

soo now that i have rambled on..any thoughts about school and what to expect? thank you xo much xoxo jenn

I went to LPN college and the classes were difficult. I'm sure RN college is just as difficult or more difficult. It's best if you don't work while attending nursing school. However, people do work weekends and attend full-time college too. Some nursing students can get jobs as nurses aides when they are taking nursing classes. If you really want it go for it. Just be advised that you will be studying constantly. As for wanting to help people -yes nurses can help people a little. However, be advised that most of your job will be paperwork. Most of the people actually helping the patients are the nurses aides. The nurses have to do constant paperwork or they get fired. Good luck.:)


I am the world's worst math person. BUT I do great with Nursing math. I found Nursing School to be fairly easy, but then it did take me 11 years to finish. :)

If that's your dream GO FOR IT. You will never know unless you try.

Specializes in Retired - ER, School Health, Quality, Case Managem.

For an associates degree, elementary algebra is all you need!! There is some math with some of the sciences but you learn the formulas in class. I went to nursing school in my thirties, with three school age kids and worked every weekend. It was hard, but it can be done. Get all you prereq's done first if you can. That will allow you to just concentrate on the nursing stuff. I found an awful lot of support from fellow nursing students. I don't think there was anyone that just did school. Most of us had kids and worked. Many worked nights and went to school during the day. If you really want it, you can do it!! My saying during nursing school was the old Nike saying "Just Do It" !!!

lol thanks for the responses...i guess thats the problem... waaaay back in the day when i went to com. college for general ed. i failed pre algebra 3 times...but got a'a and b's in all other subjects...i just dont want math to make this not happen for me!!

Specializes in Retired - ER, School Health, Quality, Case Managem.

Honestly, algebra was probably my most difficult coorifice--take it alone so you can concentrate on just that subject. Once you pass, it will be great!!

thank you everyone for your support that i dont need to be a math head to go to nursing school ..thank you xoxoj enn

I am an ADN RN and math is soooooo not my thing!!....But we were offered a course called "Math for Nurses".....It basically went like this "One pill plus one pill equals two pills!"......and we learned how to calculate doseages and drip rates....I think alot of nursing schools are offering this kind of class now, thank heavens!!.....Most nurses I know are NOT mathematicians.....I also went to school while I had a hubby and a kid, heck I was pregnant with my second child most of my last year of school!!....and I worked as a home health nurses aid too, it was great experience.....I would say the best advice is do as many of your pre-reqs as you can before starting a nursing program, it really does make a difference!!.....Hey, if I can do it, so can you!!:kiss

thank you..i know one prereq here is prealgebra...or algebra..and seriously..i am getting cold sweats just thinking about it!!! you know how people recommend doing prereqs first..well dont you have to do them first before they will even let you start the program?? i am a little confused? xox jenn

Jen, where in california are u? I'm from cal too! Prereqs have to be done before applying in most cases

hi ..i live in torrance california..pretty much los angeles.... next friday i am having my old units sent to the local cc to see if i have already met any prereq's :) where do you live? xox jenn

I'm up here in the Northern part of the state near sacramento

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