need help to support a peer


Tylenol? This much drama over tylenol? Tell her to buy a bottle and donate it to the hospital. For six bucks she can have a clear conscience.

Specializes in Med/Surg, Ortho.

Ahhh, sounds like she is tempting you to admit something you did wrong. Misery loves company. Blow it off,, tylenol,, come on, that patient is long gone. Why would something like tylenol be bothering her that much. I'm sure there have been other things she has done wrong that make the tylenol pale in comparison.

Tell her forget about it,, and go on.....

Tylenol? This much drama over tylenol? Tell her to buy a bottle and donate it to the hospital. For six bucks she can have a clear conscience.

Just tell her to get on with life. Unless she is trying to tell you something else and is testing you. Maybe she really took tylenol with codiene...

She can keep her own bit of OTC medication in her purse. Private property, and all that. Really, she's making a big deal out of nothing of any consequence.

Tylenol? I don't know many nurses who haven't occasionally taken a Tylenol from a unit supply when they run out. I don't, because Tylenol does nothing for me, but still. Who cares? I mean, yeah, I guess it's unethical, the same that taking a tubex or a pen home is unethical...oh well.

Sounds like this is not really the problem with this nurse. Just IMO, there's bigger fish frying somewhere.

I'm inclined to agree with the earlier posts: so much drama over a Tylenol? And I also wonder what an earlier poster wonder: was it Tylenol with codeine?

The nurse in question is right: she shouldn't haven taken it, whatever "it" was. To help her conscience, she might want to try and make reparations. I'd encourage her to go to the post office, get a $25 (or whatever she thinks would cover for what she took) money order, and mail it to the hospital. Put an unsigned note in there, saying that she took something from the hospital years ago, and this is to make up for it. If she doesn't want to send it to the hospital, send it to a charity.

If it's still bothering her, we might be talking about a spiritual problem, something needing more than peer support. Does the nurse in question have a minister/priest/rabbi/whatever whom she can speak to?

This sounds like a lot of drama over a small issue to me, too. But things we have done wrong can bother us in funny ways. These might help her get on with her life. Encourage her to try to make it right (the money order idea is one suggestion), and speak with someone who can give her some direction as to priorities. I wish you -- and her -- the best on this matter.

Tylenol? This much drama over tylenol? Tell her to buy a bottle and donate it to the hospital. For six bucks she can have a clear conscience.
Or as little as $2 if she buys generic!

This sounds to me like 1) she needs to go to confession and/or 2) she is very depressed.

The exaggerated guilt and shame are hallmarks of a chronically depressed person, with a little OCD sprinkled on for flavor. Protect yourself: admit nothing to her (or anybody else), but get her some counseling. This is not the sort of thing that counselors report to anybody. She'll be safe while she gets a better grip on where she fits with the rest of the community, sin-wise.

You are right: The girl needs help. Lucky she's got a concerned friend.

Ahhh, sounds like she is tempting you to admit something you did wrong. said it. Depending on the individual, I might be suspicious about what this young lady is up to as well. And/or what she REALLY took.

There ARE charming but unscrupulous, manipulative types out there who will act soft to tempt you to console/confide only so they can use it against you later...been there.I don't get these people (probably cuz they're sociopaths) but they're out there. And seems like I run into 'em more and more in nursing.... :o

But...if you've known her a long time and are sure of her motives, the depression/anxiety is a good option as well, specially with problems in her life. Refer her to EAP if you have one, and thanks for caring about her..more nurses should care for each other in such a way.

Sounds like the OP is trying to lure some of the nurses on this board to make some confessions as well.....

Hey, I accidently killed a squirrel once...should I go to the local police department and turn myself in?

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