need help on how to study nclex!!! plssss

Nursing Students NCLEX


I took the test yesterday and did the pvt and took me to cc page..pretty sure I failed

Sorry to hear that, don't worry it happens to the best of us. I am retaking my NCLEX-RN for in 2 weeks. Kaplan has been such a life saver, the first time I took the test I used HURST review..which I found very helpful, but I realized that my problem wasn't content it was test taking strategy. Now after using Kaplan I understand how to apply my content to the question. I am so scared to re-take but I know this time I will pass. Take your time, no one is rushing you. Good Luck.

Thank you...I'm hoping for the best....good luck on your exam

Give yourself the benefit of the doubt until you get your official results. Best wishes.

Thanks but isn't it the pvt is 100% accurate :(

Specializes in Wound Care, LTC, Sub-Acute, Vents.
thanks but isn't it the pvt is 100% accurate :(

it is pretty accurate. but even the quick results (after 48 hrs.) is also unofficial so until you receive the letter from the bon, it's not 100% accurate.

Specializes in Wound Care, LTC, Sub-Acute, Vents.

good luck naturalb & ezrah with your retake. i hope the next one will be good news.


I failed my first time too! I mopped around for two weeks and then retook it in october 15th and passed!

YOU WILL PASS, I promise! many people pass second time!

hello... im just new here..

i decided to join here coz i enjoy reading all the posts about nclex rn. it removes all the negative vibes.

actually im goin to take my exam tom. honestly im so nervous right now coz im not sure if all the things that ive studied will retain on my head until tom..hehe.. this is not my first time to take an exam. well i hope tom will be the last time that im goin to the testing center.haha..

anyway, congratulations to those who passed the exam. hoping to be the next RN..:nurse:

please pray for me. thank you!:)

I came to this site to get advice for my daughter. She took the NCLEX today and did the pearson vue trick, PASSED, and the advice we got from this forum was the reason. We did all that was suggested including purchase of the kaplan on-line study program. I wish you all success. I have prayed for many of you. Thank you for the help, and if you are seeking advice, you are in the right place. :)

This is a prayer someone else posted that we used- Dear God

Today I will take my examination

which is so important to me

Though I am nervous.Im not afraid

Because I know that as I write my answers

...It is your hands that work

And now,As I take this examination

Please enlighten my mind

to able to answer correctly

and to recall everything that I have studied.

I will do my best in this exam and to you God

I will entrust my fate

I know that whatever will be the result,

it is according to your will.

You have watched me

As I worked hard to study for this exam

Although I dont feel very confident

And that I dont know if I am prepared

I truly believe that you would give me what I deserve

I deserve to pass this exam,God.

I am happy that today you are with me

For with you I will win this battle

And as I close my eyes and feel your presence

In this examination room

You put confidence to my heart


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