Need Help about Prioritization


My biggest trouble in the last test that I failed were prioritizations. Any advise ? Although I tried abc, Maslow , I am still not confortable with this. Please help me. :(:(:(

one of the main books people recommend on the forum is prioritization, delegation, and assignment: practice exercises for medical-surgical nursing (paperback)

by [color=#003399]linda lacharity (author), [color=#003399]candice k. kumagai (author), [color=#003399]barbara bartz (author)

I second the above mentioned book. Tons and tons of practice questions - you will master the ability to prioritize with that book.

Airway, breathing, circulation.

Guy's satting in the 70's? Priority.

Guy just came back from PACU recently off respiration-depressing drugs? Priority.

LOL says her leg hurts and another patient's c/o chest pain? LOL's gonna wait.


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