Published Sep 10, 2013
nursetim, NP
493 Posts
I am trying to get into palliative care but I'm hit with the old, do you have experience? No? Sorry, no dice. I have applied as an RN, same issue. Maybe I can mold my résumé with a sprinkling of a few key phrases from the palliative care perspective.
171 Posts
Sorry to hear of your difficulty. I would have thought with the increasing demand of palliative care programs that job availability should be accessible. I have heard that all accredited cancer centers will soon have to have affiliation with a palliative care team so the number of jobs should increase in the years to come. What state are you in? I know there are jobs that will hire and train. Have you looked at CAPC and HPNA for job listings? There are also fellowship programs for NPs if you are willing to move. If you are interested in a DNP, USA has a palliative care specialty tract. Best of luck!
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,268 Posts
I interviewed for a palliative care APN position and got the offer. I have NO palliative care experience. However, I emphasized that I work with chronically ill pts (dialysis) and often have end of life and withdrawal from dialysis discussions with pts and families. My nursing background is ER for the most part and again I emphasized my experience dealing with deaths of all kinds and how palliative care would make a difference.
253 Posts
So did I but its PD with the chance to become FT once they open their palliative care program with anticipation of the ACA. Plus I will be trained by the Medical Director and with the senior NP there. Even-though I'll be PD, I'll be looking for ward to this experience. You don't know anybody who works in that field? I got in because my old boss dropped off my CV directly to the director of Talent Acquisitions. She's currently working there now as a PT provider. Good luck!
Jaabrn, CAPC, HPRN, USA? What do these mean? USA university of southern Alabama? Arkansas? Alaska?
Redgirl, what is PD?
Per diem.
CAPC is the Center to Advance Palliative Care and HPNA is the Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association. Both have job postings but CAPC is more comprehensive.
USA is the University of Southern Alabama
You may also consider part time hospice care. There are regulations that require a hospice agency to have a provider see each patient and perform a "face to face" visit prior to each recertification. Many hospice agencies utilize NPs. I could see it improving your resume if you had hospice experience and then applied for a palliative care position.
Jaabrn, thank you for the guidance. I don't think USA will be in my future as I'm care of my mother (nothing physically wrong, just a little overwhelmed) in NC.
In that case you may also want to look at the Carolinas Center for Hospice and End-of-life Care as they may have some other positions in your area.
I agree with traumaRUs any experience you can highlight with end of life care, family meetings, goals of care conversations, pain and symptom management, hospice, geriatric, nursing home or acute care settings, etc would surely help. I also think critical care or ER experience is particularly helpful.
450 Posts
Well I already consider myself lucky Tim but now even more so. I dont even have NP experience nor Palliative Care experience but I guess I impressed HR, and kept showing interest even though I did not get hired initially. But apparently Palliative Care is now starting to take off and as luck would have it two NPs quit around the same time. I had agreed to do some interning for free while a position opened up but the opening came in a different way due to NPs leaving the organization. I got hired a few days after I started interning. I am thrilled to be there the medical directors are amazing to work with and very supportive. Keep trying Tim....
I agree with RNGrad2006. See if you could do some volunteering in your area hospice if you can. I don't have any NP experience either and I've been out of school for one year but I do have RN Hospice experience but only one year. There's still hope Tim! Keep on shuffling through. It's not easy for us new to the field but I think there's good somewhere for us.