Published Dec 12, 2012
2 Posts
Hi :)
I know I could go to my college advisor but I would like advice from people who actually took the classes before so I could know which ones go good together the pre-req's I have left are :
Bio -226 (A&P) , psychology, English 102, microbiology, chem 121, and bio 227 (not sure what that is A&P 2?)
733 Posts
Do you have to go fulltime? I did A&P w/Eng. At the end of the day only you know what classes you can handle. Good Luck!
NICUmiiki, DNP, NP
1,775 Posts
Are you taking the summer? Are you good with sciences?
If it were me: I would take A&P 1, psych, Engl, and Micro together Spring 13, then Chem and A&P2 Summer 13.
If you want a lighter science load: A&P 1, psych & Engl Spring 13, Chem Summer 13, and Micro and A&P2 Fall 13.
If you are very uncomfortable with science, take each science class either by itself, or only with a non-science class.
57 Posts
I wouldn't take any sciences together.. but that's just me!
14 Posts
yeah people told me not to take any sciences together either because of how tough ONE science can be. but hey, if you know u can do the work and put in effort, then do it :)!
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16 Posts
I also second that you shouldn't take any science courses together in one term.. especially if they require labs. Anything like English or Psychology would be good.. technically you can call Psychology a 'science' course, but personally I found that Psych was a refreshing break from the redundant general science courses.
Thanks for the insight you guys
Urgh this is tough I'm still unsure lol
But I researched the different professors on rate my professor and hopefully I will be able to get the good teachers
Because I know how difficult a "bad" teacher could make a class
CT Pixie, BSN, RN
3,723 Posts
Hi :)I know I could go to my college advisor but I would like advice from people who actually took the classes before so I could know which ones go good together the pre-req's I have left are :Bio -226 (A&P) , psychology, English 102, microbiology, chem 121, and bio 227 (not sure what that is A&P 2?)
BIO226 looks like A&P 1 and BIO227 is prob A&P 2.
I know personally I wouldn't take two sciences together, and def NOT if both had labs. I'd probably do A&P 1 with psych or English, then A&P 2 with which ever class I didn't take with A&P 1.
I took A&P 1 with College Algebra and Ethics (ethics was online), I took A&P 2 in the Spring and Micro during our winter break. English and Psych were both done in another school prior to entering the school I'm in now.
107 Posts
I would take A&P 1, Psychology, and English together... but if you're not working full time and don't have many responsibilities at home, I think you could also try taking Micro as well. It can be doable if you have the right instructors and the right amount of time to study at home.
3 Posts
which school are you guys referring to?
I don't think the specific school matters too much. Most of us take about the same classes as prereqs.