Published Nov 28, 2005
62 Posts
I am going to register for my Spring courses and I'm seeking some insight on which courses are okay to take together. I was going to take A&P 1, Microbiology, and Intro. to Chem. Is this doable or a mistake?? I need to take A&P 1 and Intro. to Chem the most. I could substitute Psych: Lifespan for Microbiology. What does everyone think? Any past experiences?? THanks!
114 Posts
Wow.. that is a lot of science classes. Have you taken a science class before? I can only speak for myself: I would take the AP1 and Intro to Chem together. (are they full term classes?) If you needed a third class, perhaps a math class, or humanities class, something that does require a lot of reading. I find that when I take science classes, I need another class completely opposite.
If you do well with those classes, then you can double up with Micro and A&P2. (again, would depend on your outside commitments)
:) C....
well I pretty much just need my science prereqs since I already have a bachelors degree(in another field). The course are for the full Spring Term. I can take the Lifespan Psych class online...not sure though. I did well in Chemistry in HS, but that was HS.
Fun2, BSN, RN
5,586 Posts
I personally wouldn't take all three together.
Not only are you having to balance schedules with lectures and lab for all three, but also balancing the study time for all three.
It's not like taking A&P, music and life span.
Whatever you decide, GOOD LUCK! :)
451 Posts
I took A&P II and Micro together... I will admit I was a little stressed, but I got an A for A&P and a B in Micro. I wouldn't dare take 3 sciences at time, unless I had no choice. Plus, Chemistry is pretty difficult from what I've heard!!
237 Posts
That looks like a lot...if I were you I would switch out the micro for the lifespan. A&P and Micro have a ton of memorization!
817 Posts
I wouldn't take a&p, micro, and chem at the same time. No way. That's 3 very hard classes and 3 labs, so really it's like taking 6 really hard (very time consuming) courses together. Not me, nope, not in a million years.
LOL....okay I get it...So what about Intro Chem, A&P 1, and Lifespan(Online)?? Would that be more doable??
I think that would be better. Still will take a lot of work but that sounds doable.
I don't know if you have taken any on-line classes b4..but I have found them to be harder then classroom classes. To me it seems like there is a lot of busy work. (not for a procrastinator like myself) It might be just me.
casi, ASN, RN
2,063 Posts
I took A&P and Chem together this semester, and there have been times I've been reduced to tears. Lifespan online is probably going to be a lot of reading and pointless busy work.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,726 Posts
Much better. Still going to be lots of work, but much much better than taking the three sciences together.