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World Immigration


Hi all nurses! I am new to this forum and I stumbled upon all nurses as i am doing my research in the internet for people of the same case as mine. I am a Philippine RN but currently based and working here in Singapore. I have an immigrant visa petition under EB3 category and my priority date is now current. I have recently received my P4 appointment letter to appear for a consular interview. My problem is that I havent taken my NCLEX exam yet though I have already filed for it last November 2013. I would like to ask if there have been a recent scenario as mine among my Filipino co nurses who appeared for a visa interview and was granted a US visa without your NCLEX yet? I have a valid VSC though. I have been trying to review while working here in Singapore but because of the heavy workload and the long working hours I am dead tired as i reach home and doesnt have time to review at my best. i hope some of you here can shed light to my dilemma so that I could decide on whats best to do. Thank you very much...

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Moved to the Immigration forum

If you have a valid vsc then you should be OK

Thank you silverdragon102 for your reply. Our lawyer also said the same. Maybe Im just worried of the chances that our case might be denied or refused because of it. I have waited long enough for this opportunity for us. Thanks. I hope to hear from other people their opinions or experiences with regards to this. I will truly appreciate your help. GODBLESS..

Which state are you applying to?

Hi petitioner is in California.

But since there are concurrency issues in california..i applied my NCLEX in colorado..

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

If your employer is in CA what are you going to do about working in CA with all the concurrency issues?

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.
But since there are concurrency issues in california..i applied my NCLEX in colorado..

You won't be able to endorse your CO license to CA if you don't meet the qualifications for initial licensing in CA. You cannot work in CA with a CO license. Not sure if CO is a compact state , but a multi state compact license is only valid if you are a legal, permanent resident of the compact state.

(And one does not "apply NCLEX" you apply for a nursing license by examination. NCLEX is but one step in the process.)

That is also one of my concerns. Thats why im a bit worried of what is going to happen during my visa interview. I am more than willing to comply with the rules . I am really confused at the moment but i still want to go for the interview. I just dont know if i will get approved without having nclex pass letter..i hope someone can help me shed light on this..= (

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Since the visa is employer based, how did they offer you a licensed job without a current, valid license? Is your job offer even still valid? Many petitions were abandoned as employers could not wait 5-7+ years to fill a position. Most US employers will not consider an applicant with out a valid state nursing license (even a US educated citizen with a NJ license won't be offered a job in CA without a valid CA nursing license) unemployment for nurses in CA is as high as 46%.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.
Since the visa is employer based, how did they offer you a licensed job without a current, valid license? Is your job offer even still valid? Many petitions were abandoned as employers could not wait 5-7+ years to fill a position. Most US employers will not consider an applicant with out a valid state nursing license (even a US educated citizen with a NJ license won't be offered a job in CA without a valid CA nursing license) unemployment for nurses in CA is as high as 46%.

If the member took CGFNS exam then that is OK for VSC and many employers excepted CGFNS exam with proviso that NCLEX was sat ASAP once in the US

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.
If the member took CGFNS exam then that is OK for VSC and many employers excepted CGFNS exam with proviso that NCLEX was sat ASAP once in the US

I forget how common the CGFNS exam was used in previous years since only a handful of states use the exam. I didn't think CA ever accepted the CGFNS exam as they do all assessments internally.

Seems if the OP has a currently valid VSC, the visa may not be as much of an issue as potential licensing eligibility issues with CABRN. Even if had a CO or other state license eligibility to endorse back to CA without meeting CA licensing requirements may be a bigger issue.

It does not appear that USCIS is necessarily concerned with the licensing ineligibility related to concurrency many international applicants are facing if all the visa and immigration requirements are met. The bigger issue may be whether the petition was abandoned & if the employer is still offering the job.

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