Published Feb 19, 2011
17 Posts
Hello all...need help here. I am a new grad nurse who accepted a job because I was promised all this wonderful training and a training class for new grads. I TOLD them in the interview that I was a new grad and had NO experience with this type of nursing nor had any education in school with this specific type of nursing. So they promised me this wonderful training class that I have NOT had or any education for that 6 months later. Now everyday I go to work and I am told just how bad I am and how the other person they hired is doing so great and how is doing so much better than me. Oh FYI, this other persons dad is a personal friend of the manager. They have catered to the other co worker while I get the shaft. Also, the first week on the job this assist. manager tells me that she didnt think I was going to make it on the unit. I wonder why they hired me! I have always loved nursing and have done very well in school in clinicals. Anyways, now the assist. manager is making up things to get me wrote up. I have NEVER been wrote up in my life!!! The last job I left to go there went GREAT and I NEVER had a write up and always had SUPERIOR reviews. I have been trying to look for nursing jobs else where and have had no luck yet but I do think that this place will fire me if I stay. The managers have repeatedly told me that they dont think I fit there...but you would think that they would try to get me transferred out like they promised instead of writing me up for things I havent done. Should I quit or wait it out or should I sue them for not following the contract I signed? Any tip or advice would be helpful. Thanks!
8 Posts
You've already gone to the manager, so follow your chain of command and go to their boss. At the same time, I'd go look for another job (before you quit) because even if you get some resolution to your situation - we all know we are never truly "free from the fear of retribution". In other words, you'll still be working in the same environment. Next time you are promised certain things with employment, learn from this and ask for it in writing.
As a footnote, this is probably the one thing I really HATE about being in nursing. It's the only profession that eats their own young. I saw it in nursing school, and I see it every day in the work place. I'm probably going to get it for saying this, but IMHO it's because it's primarily a FEMALE profession!! (now I'm running and hiding! LOL) :chair:
251 Posts
Get a new job and put this behind you. It apparently is not the job for you and you should move on and learn from this. It will not help you to build a whole lot of resentments. You of course could get into all kind of legal engagements and maybe win some money but in the long run this would make others think twice before hiring you.
I would suggest you have a chat with your manager and tell them you are planning to move on and ask them to support your attempt and not make negative statements about you.
107 Posts
Sueing them isn't going to bring you any peace. Show up every day and do your best while applying to every available job out there!
991 Posts
I personally would not chat with the manager. The assistant manager is not doing anything without that manager's approval. The manager is the driving force behind this. The manager is instructing, giving orders, 'delegating' , what ever phrase one wants to attach to it, to the assistant manager. I had this hapen to me in 2 places- I have 30 years of nursing and found it very odd that I couldn't get through my probationary period as a new hire- one was a tele position in a small community hospital( I had 7 YEARS tele experience, inner city, university medical centers and community hospitals before that position) and the other was in a LTC position- I was hired with the DON KNOWING and made a COMMENTS to other nurses she acknowledged I had no LTC experience BEFORE I started. The million dollar question is WHY DO THEY HIRE that nurse- This is one of many reasons why I am on these threads questioning and trying to raise the general nursing populations awareness- about the HR hiring practices in these hospitals/facilities. The HR practices in hiring and firing/forced resignations/terminations of nursing needs to be investigated- BIG TIME. These are not ETHICAL practices. You may want to contact your state dept of Labor. Idid. and keep every peice of paper, letter, correspondence pertaining to your situation and HAVE A VOICE RECORDER IN YOUR PURSE when you talk to any ass manageror manager or HR. I DID they cost $39,00 at staples. and tape the session/meeting!! You the individual nurse ends up with a black mark or splotch on you license and/or employment record. I don't even put these 2 places down on my applications but you are a new nurse- go find even an volunteer position you can use as a future reference( WHILE you are still working there) that you can avoid this place on you employment record. This is a big game for these nursing managers now a days. Nursing NEVER used to be like this. Nursing managers spend so much time UP the BUTTS of HR who are as crooked as the mafia( this is where they spend off the floor/units times). It's the "how do we MARRY the nursing with the HR" crap. Nursing management is as much responsible for the high unemployment rate as other employERs in this country.!! Yes, they do knpow that what their doing is underhanded, deceiptful. and should be prosecuted and held resposible along side their managemnt, administration and CE$O buddies.
This is the part- the biggest part of nursing, that is not taught in school.
NaKcl, BSN, RN
236 Posts
I agree with the coment that having a chat with the manager.
Tell them you are looking for a new job. This will give them a hint that you are not willing to take those craps from them anymore. This way, you are giving them a sufficient notice as well.
You probably doing as good as what they expected as a new nurse and the management trying to get more out of you. Perhaps they want you to kiss their butts and be their pal.
They write up new nurses over a little things to intimidate. They supposed to give you verbal correction before they write you up. Seems like the manager is trying to show you that she got the "power".
I don't think spending time and money on legal action at this point is a good idea.
they can come up with all kinds of things against to you at this point.
As someone said, take it as a good lesson, and move on to the next job.
There are many nursing jobs out there. now you have gained some experience, you are more marketable than those new grads.
Good luck!
46 Posts
Could you push harder to be transferred to another unit? Maybe say something like how you feel that xyz unit would be a much better fit for your interest/skill set, and could you start floating over there to get used to the unit and possibly transfer?
Hey Kalami08..I have been getting wrote up so now I cannot transfer. It just does not make sense to me..if they want me out so bad you think they would be trying to get me transferred. Why would they try to hold me there by continuing to write me up for things I did not do?
53 Posts
try to find another job as soon as possible.. all the above posters have good suggestions for you.. read and reread them.. think and rethink
109 Posts
My dear friend. There are so many evil things going on the the work place. I'm so sorry that you are in this situation. I have been there before. Basically the manager and I had a personality clash right from the start. There was somthing about me that they simply felt intimidated about. When I complained to another manager to ask her advise, nothing happend. I managed to establish a friendly relationship with the HR coordinator and I emailed her for advice just so she is aware of what is going on before they could set me up for termination.
I got written up many times, and if I disagreed with it, I refused to sign it. I got a copy of the write up, made a comment on it and sent that copy to HR. With each wrong write up for false accusation, you need to write a rebuttal comment on it before you sign it. They will intimidate you. They will frighten you. But you have the right not to sign something you do not agree with.
Whey do you think they want you to sign that stuff. The sad truth is that HR is fully away of all these bad things happening. You are not the first nurse the hear it from.
On another note, I think you should try to find another job. When you are able to achieve that goal and are settled in your new job, then look at the contract again. If you have a case for a breech of contract, sue the old hospital! There is a reason why lawsuit is in existence. But, at the same time, you are the only one who can decide what battle is worth it. Sometimes moving on and having peace of mind is better. I wish you all the best.
rkitty198, BSN, RN
420 Posts
Please!!! Get out of there!
Run and run fast. Better to not have a job by choice than to get fired from one or never be able to work as a nurse again because you lost your license.
You are not the liability to them, they are the liability to you.
You are a new nurse, you are not getting the proper education to continue on the unit.
Obviously they used the "we will give you..." strategy to get you in there, because I would bet that they couldn't keep staff. They probably run other nurses out of there left and right.
If you have to look for a job for months, better that then trying to get back the shred of dignity they are trying to steal from you.
Good luck, you will do great!