Published Oct 29, 2008
1 Post
Florida nurses, can you help me? Are Nurse Techs permitted to administer IV narcotics?
66 Posts
Nurse Techs are not permitted to give ANY medications in a hospital setting. Oral or IM or IV. That is true across the board.
3,362 Posts
Nurse techs should not be administering ANY medications at all.
189 Posts
I worked as a nurse tech during Nursing School and could not even give a tylenol let alone IV narcotics. Dont know if this was hospital policy or what, but I've never heard of unlicensed workers giving IV meds.
classicdame, MSN, EdD
7,255 Posts
your NPA is online - that would be a good start
108 Posts
I work as a nurse extern which is the same as a tech, expect it means you're in nursing school and finished 1-2 semesters, we are not allowed to give medications. But we can insert foleys. I don't understand why as a nurse extern you can't even with a nurse watching over you but when we do clinicals we students do everything: hang ivs, glucose checks, administer insulin, foleys, PO meds, etc. I
717 Posts
Nope, not unless they are with a preceptor (one of the schools around here call the students doing their final preceptorship nurse externs).
30 Posts
where i work nurse tech can not do med unless they are with a preceptor
sicushells, RN
216 Posts
When I did my externship I was not allowed to give meds. The reason given by my nursing school was that the clinical instructor was not on the floor at the time, so the nursing school was not willing to accept responsibility for me passing meds before I was licensed. Makes sense when you think about it- the preceptor is employed by the hospital, not the school.
292 Posts
The only non-nurses that I know of who give meds are medication aids. Med-aids are used here alot in LTC and in the State Schools and prisons. But that is for Texas, not sure of other states.
44 Posts
UAPs are not allowed to give anything. UAPs are not even allowed to touch IV pumps or change an existing Normal Saline bag (its considered a med).
For the externs out there, I don't know if its just New Jersey or others, but when I externed I was told that by state law, we could not give meds because we had to be under the supervision of a Master's prepared nurse (our instructor).