need advice for balance for new student...


New user, but I've been reading lots of posts. Everyone is generally so helpful, so... here goes. I am married and have a child in daycare. I will be starting nursing school in August. I've taken all of my core education classes and only have my actual nursing courses to take. I currently work full time (as does my hubby). I REALLY don't have a choice as to whether I work or not (and will have to stay full time for a while). What are some tips for balance and success? How do I handle the stress that I know is on it's way? Thanks so much! :redbeathe

Specializes in New PACU RN.

Hi clh0301, welcome & good luck. You're on the right path already by thinking ahead to finish your education courses and looking for help. I've had several classmates with kiddies and they all did fine and graduated so it can be done. Here is some stuff I've seen them do and could be useful to you.

  • Ask your teachers if you can tape their lectures - that way you can listen/review when you are in your car (driving to and from school or to grocery shopping etc.) or at home when you are doing chores. Those are some valuable and often unused hours.
  • Sometimes classes will end early - ex. If your day ends at 1:30 and daycare let's out at 3:30 - they didn't pick up their kids early. They used those few hours to study & do their homework for the day/week. That way they didn't have to worry about homework/studying when they get home and focus on their kids and chores.

Hello! I just finished school in May, so I definitely remember what it was like to have to balance everything! The most difficult part of nursing school is not necessarily the learning material, but rather the time management required. I worked close to 30 hours a week throughout nursing school, not because I needed to, but because it allowed me absolutely no time to procrastinate or putz around. That worked for me, but doesn't work for everyone. Everyone has their own sort of system of what works for them that they have to figure out.

That being said, some things that might help you: always make sure you manage to find time somewhere to spend with your family, set an hour or two a day to study or get work done (and use that time for schoolwork even if you don't have any immediate deadlines, because it's never too early to start studying for a test)...maybe get a little study group together of a few people too if group studying works for you.

Most importantly, remember to have fun, and stay positive--as far as I know, no one ever died from nursing school. Hope that helps, best of luck to you!

Specializes in Trauma Surgery, Nursing Management.

Oh Lord, honey. You have a family, you are going to nursing school next month, AND you intend on keeping your full time job? You are now my hero!

I was close to a few students while I was in nursing school with your same set of circumstances. They tried to hang on to their full time jobs, but that fell to the wayside after the first semester. Nursing school is so demanding, and takes so much of your time. You are truly in a dilemma.

See how the first semester goes for you and then regroup. You may find that you can handle it all. Have you talked to your husband about taking on extra responsibilities for child care/household issues?

I was married when I was in nursing school, but didn't have kids. My husband and I had a frank discussion about expectations from each other while I was in school. He worked 6 days a week to keep finances the way we wanted them, and I worked every weekend/holiday/school break. I worked the evening shift at the hospital as a unit clerk. The nurses and docs that I worked with knew that I was in school and were eager to help me study during downtime (I worked in L&D-so it was feast or famine) and quizzed me on the material that I was learning. I give them so much credit for helping me through the difficult times of school...they were so understanding.

My hubby and I did not take vacations, we didn't go out to eat, we didn't spend money on anything but the necessities of life. It was quite miserable at times. We couldn't buy each other gifts for birthdays or Christmas, but instead wrote each other poems, made gifts using things around the house (one year he made me 'paw' stepping stones from concrete that someone at his place of work didn't need and engraved our dog's name on one, her year of birth on the next, and funny names that we called her on the other ones). We tried to make those four years special every way that we could. You have to be creative!

What is your school schedule? What is your work schedule? It is definitely do-able, but without a doubt will be extremely challenging.

Specializes in Psych.

If you can, get to class early or stay late and review each and every single day. If anything before you go to bed at night read through what you learned that day. Set aside a time where your kid can play while you study to hit two birds with one stone. I fully believe that if you want to do something you can no matter what :) Good luck and God's speed

Specializes in Long Term Care, Staff Development.

i have no advice, since i was one of the lucky ones whose parents paid for her entire way through nursing school and for every bill i had on my way through... but i had a lot of friends in nursing school that did have the same situation that you do! they were amazing! i don't understand how they did it, as i hardly stayed afloat with no responsibilities! a lot of times your classes will end early. take advantage of your library!!!! that's my biggest peice of advice! i hope you have some family that will be there for you. hopefully you have an understanding husband too! i'll be praying for you. it's a really hard 2 years, i'm not even going to lie! but if it's as important to you as it should be, you'll do fine. just remember your family and how in the end it will benefit you and your family so much! good luck!:yeah:

I am in the exact same position. I start on the 22nd. My plan is to make a very strict daily schedule which includes exercise, chores and "down time". That was also my plan this summer. Only followed through maybe twice, but it sure was pretty. Color coded and everything:lol2:. I am going to keep trying though. Also, I am working on a monthly meal plan with associated shopping list (heavy emphasis on crockpot meals). I'm doing this for two reasons: (1) money will be VERY tight and when I don't have meals planned fast food becomes a staple which is either unhealthy or expensive or both and (2) meals (planning, shopping, preparing, cleaning up) are my biggest time vacuum (after AN that is LOL). Good luck to you in the fall. May the time pass quickly while we both learn a lot and have awesome jobs waiting for us!!!

100% reliable birth control and daycare you love

crock pot

when you do cook, make double and freeze the second helpings

one date night every other week, even if it's only movie and ice cream

on the non-date-night weeks, kiddies have special time c dad and you go for a walk, visit the museum for two hours, or meditate, or something all by yourself

no alcohol, lots of healthy food, vitamins and fruits

do not worry about getting straight as. nclex is aimed at average students :D, no kidding. your kids will only be small once, and you have years to keep learning and working.

--as far as I know, no one ever died from nursing school. Hope that helps, best of luck to you!

It just felt like it might KILL you !!!:lol2:

I have worked 30+ hours and have a large family all while completing a 15 month accelerated program so it can be done. I agree with the previous post.. plan ahead.. plan meals, plan homework, study time, family time, chores, laundry, everything. Taping lectures helps, I have a one hour commute each way so plenty of time to listen lol. I always spend one night a week planning

Specializes in Electrophysiology, Medical-Surgical ICU.

I've been doing what you about to do for the last year and a half ...its tough but its all about time management...but its totally doable :-) good luck ps I've been nothing but A's and B's and graduate next May

Specializes in Trauma Surgery, Nursing Management.

You guys continue to astound me with your perseverance. I am in awe of the nurses here that went though nursing school with families to care for and full time work schedules.

My hat is off to you! I want to be you when I grow up!!

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