any nclex takers in october-share study tips

Nursing Students NCLEX


hi everyone

i m taking the exam in oct. oct first week to be exact. anyone taking in oct can share their tips and study plans. lets support each other

Specializes in OBGYN.
Thanks for the tips...

I am testing late October.

I am doing the same for meds. i have been out of school for 4 years, so, I have to start all over from scratch so I am back to the drawing board with knowing the classes...

But I didn't think about Saunders...I have the 4th edition, so I will view the emds in the CD as well as the chapters. Good luck reviewing. :up:

i've been out of school for more than 4 yrs too...brain was rusty initially now working a bit back in order....the tests on saunders 4th is wonderful...u could do 100 and see the whole report how we are doing overall...i love the cd...


I am a second time test taker and plan on taking it end of october. I am using Suzannes plan and am almost done with the first tip. I have heard nothing but good things about it and am pretty confident that it will work. My twin sister used her plan and passed on the second try. I wish everyone good luck and happy studying


Specializes in Hospice, LTC, Dementia Care.

I am scheduled for October 7th. I read kaplans book and now I am using suzannes plan read the 3rd edition of Saunders NCLEX-PN review. I am so nervous, especially about the medicaitons. In my LPN program there was no pharmacology class, so I hope I have enough to get threw the test!!!:rolleyes:

i am also taking my nclex this october. i started studying since august, using kaplan nclex rn cd rom, ncsbn learning extension,, exam cram and a lot more. i'm answering hundreds of questions a day, study hour min 2 hours a day and up to 12 hours. i wish all october test takers goodluck! god bless us all guys!

Specializes in PEDS.

i take my test oct 3!!!!!!!!!! i am currently using saunders, the priority delegation book, kaplan book and nclex 3500. what kind of study schedules do you guys have? :specs:

Anyone writing the exam next month?

I was a part of the June and July Support group and it was great. I am currently reviewing Suzanne's plan, I am a re-taker and so far I am at a road block with meds...

I don't know how to re-start with reviewing meds the best way....if anyone has any tips, please share the wealth!!

I think it would be great if we would start an October support group if one has not been started already...if one has started (I couldn't find it), pleae post and let me know where...

Good luck reviewing...:yeah:


Ya, it's a good idea to have October NCLEX Support Group. Let's share study tips and if possible, whatever the outcome of the Exam is, let us post here. In that way, we can give feedback to future test takers. :up:

Goodluck to all October test takers! hugmebaby_72

dear fellow nurses,

please support the following members taking nclex on october :

nebin - oct 2

cmille10 - oct 3

cna1998 - oct 7

khine2mn80 - 1st week of oct

tay245 - mid oct

kindone - mid oct

hugmebaby_72 - oct 21

brantaf - oct 27

jazzysmika - late oct

chacha17 - end oct

mslusara - end oct


goodluck to all os us! :redbeathe

Specializes in OBGYN.

I am starting to get a little freaked out with this SATA stuff!!!!! Anyone else?:no:

ya sata's drive me crazy too...seldom get it all rite...

I am a retaker and I am doing suzanne's plan but I will be testing the very end of oct also.

i'm taking the nclex on october 9. like many of you i'm getting more anxious as the exam day approaches. i only gave myself 2 months to do my review. i can't say where i stand or how ready i am for the board but let me share to you some study tips which i got from different sites, tips from successful test-takers and personal study plan. Hope this will help.:D


I did ABCs of passing foreign nursing exams and NCLEX 311 by R.A. Gapuz. Reading about drugs was gruelling so i did my own notes and studied them by classification. Surfed the net for the common topics on the nclex and did my cross-reference from different nursing books.


Read Kaplan! Kaplan! Kaplan! and Saunders as well

Step 3: Answer as many questions as you can (at least 5000)

I did Prentice Hall 2008, Saunders (Q&A, Comprehensive review) and Kaplan Question Trainer (all the 7 tests)



thank you mr. j these tips are most helpful.....keep studying everyone.:heartbeat

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