Nclex Taken!


Okay I took my nclex finally today! I stopped at 85 questions! I'm not sure whether i passed or not! I'm really scared!!!!:madface: I had tooooooo many select all that apply questions and wasn't sure if I was answering it correctly! I also had a lot of med questions! I wasnt expecting to go only 85 questions! I'm really nervous and really don't know if I'm going to pass or fail! It's killing me and I have to wait 4 weeks bcuz I live in CALI!...AHHHHHHHH :o

Specializes in Med-Surg.

Hang in there. Good luck!

85 questions....I bet you passed! When the computer shut down on me at 85 questions I was so scared..but then as I began to read threads I found that most pass on 85 questions. I passed but I only had to wait 2 days to find out. Hang in there.


Okay I took my nclex finally today! I stopped at 85 questions! I'm not sure whether i passed or not! I'm really scared!!!!:madface: I had tooooooo many select all that apply questions and wasn't sure if I was answering it correctly! I also had a lot of med questions! I wasnt expecting to go only 85 questions! I'm really nervous and really don't know if I'm going to pass or fail! It's killing me and I have to wait 4 weeks bcuz I live in CALI!...AHHHHHHHH :o

Hang in there! I took mine today too, I had 203 questions! I thought the computer would have shut off at 85 because I felt like or knew I was failing, but it kept going. I can only pray that I proved myself in a good way. I can find out on Wednesday. Best of luck 2 you!

MY sister took the NYCLEX 2 weeks before I did. She was sure she failed because she had 205 questions but she passed :)


At least I feel a little relieved that the test is done and over with! But! the wait begins and I'm hoping I passed even though I had like 15 select all that apply! I also had like 3 "place in order" questions! *phew...I feel sure the last few questions I answered were correct...but the last one im not sure about and I forgot the question! IT WOULD BE THE BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT EVER TO PASS!!

Specializes in My first yr. as a LVN!.

why would you have to wait 4 weeks being in CA? Im also in CA and it def. isnt 4 weeks .. you can go to the website to find out sooner, but as far as getting your paperwork in the mail then yea, that may take up to 4 weeks ...

Specializes in OB/GYN.
why would you have to wait 4 weeks being in CA? Im also in CA and it def. isnt 4 weeks .. you can go to the website to find out sooner, but as far as getting your paperwork in the mail then yea, that may take up to 4 weeks ...

Unfortunately Julz, BVNPT does not allow for quick results in CA They will not even give them over the phone. It is so frustrating waiting, which is now about 4-5 weeks for the results to arrive by mail.

Hope you are doing good and getting ready to take your NCLEX (and everything else sorted with the school).


Specializes in Critical care, Pediatris & Geriatrics.

Best Wishes!!!! Keep us posted!!

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.
Okay I took my nclex finally today! I stopped at 85 questions! I'm not sure whether i passed or not! I'm really scared!!!!:madface: I had tooooooo many select all that apply questions and wasn't sure if I was answering it correctly! I also had a lot of med questions! I wasnt expecting to go only 85 questions! I'm really nervous and really don't know if I'm going to pass or fail! It's killing me and I have to wait 4 weeks bcuz I live in CALI!...AHHHHHHHH :o
I took NCLEX-PN for California, and only waited 12 days for my result. In other words, the wait might be shorter than what you are anticipating. Good luck to you, and I hope you pass. :)

Hopefully my results would come in sooner than 4 weeks! Anyways, I heard that each time you answer a question correctly, they give you a harder question right? So if thats true, would select all that apply questions be considered harder? I had about 15 or more of them, and sometimes they would be coming one after the other! One of my other classmates took his and he only got a couple, and he was an average student in class. So I don't know? Anyone have any ideas? For those who passed the test, did you get a lot of select all that apply or anything?


Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.
For those who passed the test, did you get a lot of select all that apply or anything?
I passed on my first attempt with 85 questions back in December 2005. I received absolutely none of the "select all that apply" questions, even though some of my classmates did at that time period.
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