Published Jun 15, 2007
31 Posts
I promise, I won't put up post after post, but I do want to tell my nclex story in the hopes of easing the anxiety of those of you who are struggling with even the thought of the exam..
A little about my background. I started nursing school at the age of 33. I was married for 14 years, then divorced not knowing how in the world I would take care of my children. I had been a stay at home mom and with no college education my future looked dim. Nursing, particularly behavioral health, has always been an interest of mine...anyway....
I started school and was shocked at how difficult it was..but guess what? I didn't have the option of failing, I had to complete this no matter how hard it was. The first 3 semesters I made "B's", but the last semester killed me. I don't know what happened, but I studied my butt off and barely ended that semester with a "C". When I took my final that semester, I left that day just knowing I had failed....thank God I passed!!!
Unfortunately, that wasn't the end of the madness...I knew NCLEX was the last and most difficult hurdle I'd have to face. How would I study? I didn't know. Obviously I wasn't pulling out past notes, or was I going to read all the information again...What would I do? I went online and there was a repeated pattern...everybody said practice questions, practice questions, and more practice questions. So I thought..hum I don't hate studying that way, so that is something I can do. I would have loved to take one of those high priced classes, but honestly I didn't have the money for those.
I went to the library and checked out three books. Each book had tons and tons of practice questions. In the end I probably ended up doing about 1000 practice questions. Towards the end I noticed a pattern in me. I was beginning to answer the questions right even though I might have not even knew the information. That had to be a good sign I thought. I also have the Saunders book and I went through some of that, but not a whole lot. When it came to test day, I didn't feel very confident at all....I remember thinking to myself while waiting to test....boy I should have studied more!!!
I took the nclex on a Wednesday. The testing center was 2 hours away, so the night before I stayed in a hotel and studied some, but mainly just relaxed. I got to the testing center at 8:00. Everyone there was so nice, that it made the experience at least tolerable....
OKAY, so I sit down and I had heard some crazy story about trying to get the first question right...well quess what? I didn't even know the first one. I got to about question 35 and realized..OMG I don't know any of this. I am so stupid, I should have studied, I should have taken a class, I can't believe I have to pay another 275.00 to do this agaiin. I literally wanted to get up in the middle and run away. I sat there and said to myself "Please don't shut off at 75 because that will mean I am doing so badly that there is no chance of redeeming myself.". Well of course!!!!! The dang thing shut off at 75!!!!!!!! I didn't cry, I drove home turned up my music full blast and told myself over and least I can take it again!.
Oh my poor family and friends. They mean well...OH, you did fine, you passed, don't worry, you did it! I wanted to scream...stop saying that, you don't know, I KNOW I failed!!!!!! I think if one more person told me I passed I would have dropped them on the spot...what did they know anyway, they don't even know what a freakin nclex is!!!
So I go online and read post after post about how if it shuts off at 75 that is a good sign. I feel better, then I read...I failed at 75...OMG that's going to be me!!! Many of my friends got their results the next day after 5pm from the ohio board of nursing website. I checked the next day after 5 and the dang thing said PENDING. What the heck does pending mean? Other friends said they didn't get theirs until 48 hours later. OKAY, I can wait 48 hours, but NO MORE. I get online after 48 hours and NOTHING. I have spent the past 2 days with huge knots in my stomach, I can't sleep, I can't eat and they don't have the decency to post my results in a timely manner.
I literally couldn't take in anymore. I went to the personvue website, paid the freaking $7.95 and got my results.. I passed, oh that's probably a mistake, WHAT??? I passed? How? I would have bet my fortune..$200.00 to be exact that I failed...but I didn't
Why am I writing this? I want to tell you that it's okay. I got 75 questions, was sure about maybe 2, and I passed. What was the test like? Many priority questions, like who would you assign to this patient. I got three check all that apply (boy do I hate those) and NO math, no fill in the blank or anything like that. On each question there was maybe one or two that I could throw out, the other two I guessed. When I say guessed, I mean I KNEW NOTHING ABOUT WHAT THEY WERE ASKING!!! I also got about 5 drug questions.. I knew one only because it is one I take, the other, I couldn't even tell you what class they were in. My questions would go from difficult to basic (no, I didn't even know the basic ones)......
I can't tell you how I passed, but what I can say is practicing questions did help I guess because I passed. Looking back I would have probably taken a class designed to help you through the nclex just because it would have given me confidence when I walked into that testing room.
If you don't read anything else please read this....have a plan to keep yourself busy after taking the test. Do not do what I did and sit around the house and obsess about that crazy test!! It will eat you alive. Go shopping, go watch a movie, drink yourself into a coma (just joking) just don't do nothing....
If anyone is about to take the nclex and has any questions, please feel free to ask, I would love to help you as much as I can. I know in the midst of it, I would have loved to talk to somebody who had been there already..
Well I'm off... who knows, I might put on my scrubs, my badge with red RN tag hanging off of it and walk around WalMart just for the fun of it:lol2: Good luck everybody....
4 Posts
Thank you so much for that post. I took my test last monday and found out wednesday that I passed. The test shut off at 75 and I was mortified. I wanted to scream 'give me more questions I promise I know enough to pass this test' but the screen was blank. I finished my little survey and walked out of the testing center feeling like a failure. I didn't know half the stuff on there. There was NO way that I passed. I yelled at people who were trying to help me out but they had no idea what kind of test I had just taken. How could they be sure I passed when I was the one taking the test and I knew I failed? My friend takes her test in a couple days and I'm going to tell her to come read this post. Thanks for taking the time to make a few other future nurses feel normal!!!
332 Posts
It is indeed a lot of pressure, but once you know you've passed, it's well worth it!!!
262 Posts
great story... congratulations!!! :)
27 Posts
Thank you for posting your story. I haven't taken my NCLEX yet, plan on doing that in July. I enjoyed reading your experience. I've already got myself failing before I even go to take the test. Your experience has really given me insight. Although, I know I will be just like you with the brow beating myself until I find out if I pass. Thank you again for sharing your experience.
41 Posts
Thanks for sharing your story!! I take my test wednesday and I know if it shuts of att 75 questions I'll barf. I'll also throw up if it goes PAST 75 questions.
I've done every question in the Saunders comprehensive review book (1800) and I'm going to spend the next few days doing more questions form the Q&A book and maybe some of the computer tests on the CDS. I also read that Kaplan strategy book and you're right--you can figure out the answers even if you have no idea what they're talking about.
Thanks, and I hope I get to post MY (successful) NCLEX story later this week.
10 Posts
Thank you for you post it help's a little. When I say a little I mean I am at the 24 hour mark and I have 24 hours to go to find out whether I passed or not. I got all 265 questions, I know I am not stupid but after receiving all the questions I am beginning to doubt myself. How can someone get all 265 questions and pass, Lord help me.
I have been keeping myself busy and that seems to help but it is always in the back of my mind. Also, if I hear one more of my friends or family say "Don't worry you did fine, you always did good in school, I know you passed" I am going to punch them. Like you said what do they know, they weren't there taking this horrible test that I no I failed. None of the questions looked familiar, I felt like I didn't spend the last 4 years in nursing school, where was I. OMG, dear Lord say a prayer for me, let me pass, please.
23 Posts
I take my test July 30, 2007. I am so nervous that I don't know what to do. I have been studying my Saunders review and did all the question in the back of the book. I have to pass this test or I will be forced to use my LPN license until I do.
OMG feels so great to never have to worry about this again. doesn't it??????..p.s. tell your friend I said Good Luck!!!
I promise, you will leave there and your stomach will be in knots...but here's the great news....most people pass their first time! I know, I know, you will say, but I'm one of the ones who will fail!!!! NOT true...keep studying and thinking positive and if I could give you some great advice...practice lots and lots of questions that have to do with prioritizing...they are the most difficult and there will no doubt be many of those on the test...good luck and let me know when you pass..
Here's my free advice...practice prioritizing questions...lots of em...they are plentiful on the test and the most difficult because they require critical thinking...good will do great!!! Let me know when you pass
Can I give you some free advice? Please go to the library and supplement your studying with another book. The reason I say this is because I did some of the questions out of Saunders, and althought it's a great book, it doesn't give you questions like the ones on the exam. There is a book I checked out at the library and the name of it is Nclex-RN Review deluxe edition. There are 8 practice tests in it and 2 big review tests at the end. I thought that book prepared me more than anything (not that anything really prepares you). My test shut off at 75 which means I did well. I truly think I was able to do this because of all the practice tests in that book. Good luck and don't know much more than you think. That's what all that schooling was for!!!!!!!!!!Let me know how it goes for you.