NCLEX question, your experience PLEASE?

Nursing Students NCLEX


My husband and I went to nursing school together and we just took the NCLEX today. Both of us got 75 questions and not a single math question! That terrifies me. Aren't they going to give a nurse math questions to make sure they're competant??! We studied for days but we didn't get questions that were on what we studied. We both feel like we failed it.

Alot of people I know felt the same way as me with 75 questions and they passed, but a girl at the test center said most of her friends with 75 questions failed theirs. AGHHH.:o

What is your experience with NCLEX? Has anything similar happened to you???

Specializes in Mental Health, OB, Geriatric clinicals.
Just 2 questions, what is SATA mean and what has been the best way for you to prepare and study for taking the NCLEX? Do you find Study Guides better or some Preparation Class or should the notes you collect over your nursing program prepare you enough? Thanks!

Jimmy- SATA = select all that apply (I wondered the same thing myself)

To study for Nclex I think the best thing to do is answer a TON of questions. I left nursing school thinking Nclex would be a breeze. I was WRONG. It was like no test I had ever taken in nursing school. I mean the style of questions were the same as school, but the questions were so much harder IMO.

Our school made us purchase a program called Emeds. It was 90$ each semester (fortunately we had financial aid) and it gave us access to a website where they had tons of practice test questions. The teachers made us spend time on the site and gave us points for class. And at the end of the year Emeds gave us a NCLEX review class.

My husband and I didn't go to the review class because we went one day and the teacher was basically reading from a book she had handed out. We took the book and got out of there and studied on our own with the Emeds website and the book answering tons of questions.

We did the pearsonvue trick and if it is correct then we passed. We won't get our quick view results till Tuesday though...

Specializes in Mental Health, OB, Geriatric clinicals.


Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Congratulations to the both of you

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