Published Nov 22, 2015
4 Posts
Hello I've been reading these for a long time and I can confirm that the PVT trick still works! However, I have read numerous people stating that they had to pay and still passed etc. The factor that makes false positives and false negatives is that if you are cut off at 75 the computer knows if you passed or failed. So the trick will work in this case! The first time I took the test I tried the trick and it took my money an hour after the test (which it cut me off at 75 ) I DID end up failing. However, I retook the test after the 45 day wait and it cut off again at 75 but this time I tried the PVT trick an hour after and it gave the "good pop up". I did pass! Additionally, if you are worrisome of your money being taken use a prepaid card with insufficient funds or I used my credit card but changed the expiration date. It DOES give you the good pop up if you passed. If you failed which its only accurate in the first couple hours IF you were cut off at 75 it will give you bad pop up or say insufficient or invalid card because it was trying to charge it. Lastly, in my personal opinion a way to determine if you passed at 75 if it shuts off is the type/difficulty level of question they ask. If it is say just defining something or a simple answer without having to analyze or use your critical thinking then most likely you did not do so hot. BUT this last part is just from my personal opinion. If anyone has any questions or anything let me know! Also the first time I used ATI since that was what my school required. The second time when I finally passed I used Kaplan. I personally think priority, delegation, and safety precautions play a huge part in the test. I also don't blame ATI or say my success was because of Kaplan. The nclex can ask so many different questions that it's a lottery ticket for one person to say know this or that but from what I've heard those three topics are the most important. I really think it is dependent on the questions you get that will in the end determine if you fail or pass (also need to have some knowledge obviously, but you did get through nursing school and all that time it's already up there in your head) my second test if I could have taken that the next day after the first one things would have come out the same a pass because the first one was insane! Everyone have a nice Thanksgiving!
springchick1, ADN, RN
1 Article; 1,769 Posts
It is a trick. There is no truth to any of it. And your test isn't graded for the second time until it's been 24 hours. There is also no truth to passing/failing based of the difficulty of your last question. That is also a myth.
17 Articles; 45,839 Posts
Thread moved to NCLEX forum.
Yes but I'm saying if the initial grade is a pass and it was within 75 questions it is a pass a little over ten of my friends from my graduating class took the test prior to graduating and all received the good pop up but one and she failed. Trick or not, it is free to do since it can't bill you if done correctly, and it is a good point of reference! It works more time then it doesn't so... Simply put it is worth a try and no one knows if it is a truth or myth. Lastly, I stated it was my personal opinion. People can do it or not was just giving my experience for others to read. But thank you for your input!
Yes but I'm saying if the initial grade is a pass and it was within 75 questions it is a pass a little over ten of my friends from my graduating class took the test prior to graduating and all received the good pop up but one and she failed.!
How did they take the test before graduation? That isn't possible. And this board has post on here all the time about people who tried the good pop up but failed. There are also people who had their money taken and passed.
By graduation, the graduation ceremony I was an out of state student and had to wait until the official graduation others in state were allowed to take it prior to the walking graduation. Every BON is different NCLEX requires you to meet the requirements for YOUR BON. The classes were completed but graduation occurred several months later. I do not know why you continue to argue or act like you know everything. The points you are making are just as factual as mine that you've heard this or it not working. This forum is to help people or give advice of your experiences or questions, not try arguing with everyone. You have heard people say it works and it doesn't it can all be hearsay there's no proof either way. Again, like I stated there are far more people have it work than do not. Along with that I also stated that YOU can use a WRONG expiration for your card and it will NOT charge you fail or pass and will give you a POSSIBLE indicator of passing.
Just to summarize everything! If you choose to use the PVT option to see the possible outcome whether it works or not. You can use a wrong date for your credit/debit card so it WILL NOT CHARGE you either way! So if you believe it works or doesn't then that's A-OKAY try it or not! It worked for my friends along with me! Showing accurate passing and failing grades with all people who it shut off at 75! Good luck to all future nurses!
Mavrick, BSN, RN
1,578 Posts
I do not know why you continue to argue or act like you know everything.QUOTE] Actually that sounds more like you. You have already posted twice as many times as springchick.
Actually that sounds more like you. You have already posted twice as many times as springchick.
3 Posts
I took my test dec 2nd got home and tried the trick got that red rectangle along with msg saying result on hold and new registration cannot process. The next day tried it again and charged me this time. I failed on my first nclex pn last February when I took the trick led me straight to the cc page with no message saying result on hold, right away they charged me and waited for the result and it was failed.
JustBeachyNurse, LPN
13,957 Posts
It's not true that you cannot be charged with an inaccurate expiration date. This goes for Pearson and any other company where you enter your payment information.
I was making a legitimate purchase had both my cards in front of me, got distracted, put the card # for card A, but the expiration for card B, correct security code for card A. It went through and I was charged. Fortunately it was my intention to pay. I was surprised it went through when I clicked submit and realized what I did.
Those that feel the need to try the PVT should use a card that cannot process $200 (such as a debit card with just a few dollars and no overdraft protection or a visa gift card with only a few $$ available) if they don't want to risk $200.