nclex pn


Hello everyone I've been a silent fan for a few months now. I really appreciate all the nclex studying tips and fact throwing. Yesterday was my big day with the nclex-pn,:heartbeat it seems like every three questions was a sata! many meds, infection control and priority. My computer went blue after question 85 and I've been a nervous wreck since!:eek: I tried the pearsonvue trick and got the wonderful pop-up "our records indicate that you have recently scheduled this exam. Please contact your board of nursing for further assistance. Another registration cannot be made at this time." But I'm still scared to death! My question is when you do the yes/no question part of the trick do I answer yes or no about taking the test before? Thanks so much in advance for any replies, and goodluck to everyone!!

Specializes in Psych, Skilled Nursing.

good luck and I'm hoping for good news from you!! :)

Specializes in L & D, Med-Surge, Dialysis.


Thanks for the support. Did I try the pearsonvue trick correctly? Do you answer yes or no to the yes/no questions?

Specializes in LTC.
Thanks for the support. Did I try the pearsonvue trick correctly? Do you answer yes or no to the yes/no questions?

i answered yes, yes, and no respectively.. i was wondering the same thing?.. i took mine tuesday morning. and i got the same pop up

Good luck with ur results...wish u the best...

Thanks everybody for your encouragement, I found out yesterday I passed my test! My name was on my BON website.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

congraulations~~~~~God bless and I wish you the best !!!!!!



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