NCLEX in3 hours - freaking out


OMG, I'm about to take NCLEX in 3 hours....I've been studying religiously for the past 2 weeks. I graduated in May of LAST YEAR, so I'm really nervous. Please pray for me! I will pray for everyone who is taking it today, too!! :) Good luck!

Specializes in Oncology.

Keep repeating "I will pass this exam" in your head. Relax until your exam - if you don't know it now, extra review will just make you nervous anyway.

If you go past 75, take a deep breath and remember you are still in it. Priority and SATA questions are a good sign.

Good luck!

Relax and take deep breath. it helps alot, you won't know until you try it. Remember maslow, abc, infection control and so on. You can do this believe in yourself and trust what you know already. Its game time, go out there and give it your all. Good Luck

I hope the priority and SATA are a good sign because I had a TON of them...the exam shut off after 77 or 78 questions.

if the pearson vue trick works....I PASSED!!!!!! :nurse:


congrats!!! x10000

what did you use to study?

what was your study schedule like?

if the pearson vue trick works....I PASSED!!!!!! :nurse:

Pearsonvue Trick works. It worked for me 2x , but in a manner of telling me I failed :argue:..

But then..

:hrnsmlys:CONGRATULATIONS !!! :yelclap:

I purchased the NCSBN online study was awesome! Good luck! I hope you pass next try!!!! :)

Specializes in Peds.

Great job. So happy for you, you passed!

Specializes in Peds.

How many SATA did you have on NCLEX?

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