How do you answer questions?

Nursing Students NCLEX


I wanted to know how others answer questions when they're studying for NCLEX? When I'm doing questions, I read the rationale always but if I miss a question I write part of the rationale down & that evening I review my notes from those questions. Yes it does take a while. Where as my friend who is studying will have done 150 questions & I'll still be on question 50.

Do you think I need to stop writing while doing questions & just answer as many as I can? What do you do?

I am new to all of this and have been out of school for many years. Failed the first go round and have been studying to take it for the second time. Need all the help I can get

The AHA is CAB now. No longer ABC's.

What is CAB ? Is it circ airway breathing in that order? Am sitting my test in a few days! Nervous!

The AHA is CAB now. No longer ABC's.

I think this is true for CPR but not for assessments.

All nursing assessments are ABC, but if it mentions anything about a patient in distress or CPR like questions the answer will be in CAB format.

Great advice

Bump again, then. Merry Christmas!

:christmasball: :christmasball: :christmasball: :christmasball: :christmasball:

Specializes in CVICU CCRN.

Great advice in this post! :)

Bump again!

Bump again!

Great info GrnTea :)

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