Published Jul 28, 2010
2 Posts
Hello all,
New to the forum. I read alot of post on here about ways to get money for furthering your nurse education. (nurse anesthetists, Critical Care, etc) There are programs in the Navy Reserve that pay monthly stipends to those accepted to chosen specialty training programs. Also the Reserve provides substantial bonuses from 30,000 to 75,000 depending on specialties. :yeah:The Navy is looking for qualified Nurses to fill these spaces. Does anyone want to know more information about whats available to them? Respond back to this post.
savnlivzPRN, LVN
184 Posts
I do... I've been trying to contact the navy for a while to gain more information...
30 Posts
Navy Reserve Bonus is actually only $10K... my buddy is thinking about doing it herself. She was trying to go active duty, but there aren't any slots open for nurses in the Navy.
really Male_RN??? crazy....
yeah I was surprised to hear that myself. She told me that the earliest she could even get in would be next year... and thats if any slots opened up.
WOW!! Good to know... Thanks!
73 Posts
I have some interest but I am concerned that I am too old? Please e-mail me
[email protected]
Robin Kneer RN, Paramedic
134 Posts
I was interested but, they lowered the bonus to the point where I will just wait until they start needing nurses again. Clearly now there is no demand.
Daisy Doodle
19 Posts
I too wanted to go back active duty. The recruiter told me that they only want "recent" critical care within one year. I have worked Emergency in the last two years, and the Navy does not cosider Emergency critical care, so they are not interested. I am a little dissapppointed. I am waiting to hear back from the recuriter to tell me what my rank would be if I go reserve.
103 Posts
just curious, did you get your RN after the paramedic?
10 Articles; 18,948 Posts
moved to our government and military nursing forum
Ace587RN, RN
602 Posts
my recruiter told me the same. No slots for AD, so i went Reserve instead