Published Dec 16, 2008
317 Posts
Hi. I'm new to this forum. I'm applying to Northern Arizona University Accelerated BSN program for this summer. I'm just curious to see if anyone else is also, or if anyone has any tips, words of wisdom, etc., about NAU. Thanks!
cardiacRN2006, ADN, RN
4,106 Posts
Buy an APA book!
Where are you from?
Thankfully, my husband being a psychologist, we already have one. (American Psychological Association, right?) Why??? Is that the citation they use, or are you calling them all a bunch of nuts?
I'm in Phoenix right now. Have been taking pre-reqs for PA school but have changed course to nursing. I just made a 95.64 on my HESI A2 exam, so I'm hoping that'll put me near the top!!!
Lol. Because you have to write a ton of papers in the program using APA format!
Good luck!
559 Posts
I'm applying at NAU for RN to BSN program. The only thing I'm bummed out about is that I have to write an essay. I still have to take patho and statistics as well. I currently live in Tucson, but I plan on moving back to flagstaff anyways because I miss the mountains and the cold weather.
Just curious, how come you want to be a RN now instead of a PA?
My ultimate goal will most likely be NP, so of course I have to become an RN first. I switched from PA to Nursing because I realized that NPs have relatively the same functioning and pay but on top of that, they have much more flexibility, more different kinds of job opportunities, and the ability to practice more independantly.
I'm applying at NAU for RN to BSN program. The only thing I'm bummed out about is that I have to write an essay. I still have to take patho and statistics as well.
Lol....that essay is the easiest essay you'll write for NAU- isnt' is only 100 words?
15 Posts
Hello Y:
I'm also new to this forum and applying to the NAU aBSN this summer as well. A few months ago I sent a out a post requesting feedback about the program but didn't receive any responses. There were a few posts from a couple years ago that were mixed, both positive and negative, but not too informative. When I talked to someone in student services, he mentioned that last year they had about 15 slots left open due to not enough qualified applicants. So, I'm wondering how competitive it is to gain admittance? I would think having a HESI score of 95 would give you an advantage.
Hey, good luck northernmel! I know I got a great HESI score, I'm just so worried about what the competition looks like. I have no clue what I'm up against so I feel like I'm in the dark. I too have seen very little about NAU on this board. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed! Do you mind me asking what your HESI score and pre-req GPA is?
I've been wondering the same things myself as far as the level of competition. My HESI score is 93 and for the pre-reqs I have a 3.9 GPA. But I'm still a little stressed about making the cut since the number of openings is so limited.
Have you applied to any other programs?
I applied to Univ of Colorado at Denver. That's where my BA is from. But that program does not start until Jan 2010! I have to do one more pre-req for ASU before I can even apply, but I'm taking two this spring so if I don't get NAU, then I'll apply to ASU. I'm really hoping for NAU because it starts in May.
My HESI was 95.64 and my pre-req GPA is around 3.7 or 3.8. I got a B in intro to Psych in 1995:p. But the application states that special emphasis is given to the Biology courses, and I have all A's in Micro and both A&Ps. I also have tons of hospital volunteering and while I'm not in direct health care employment, my work deals with medically involved individuals on a daily basis. I'm also in grad school at ASU and I got my EMT-B license last year for the heck of it. I can only assume that I'll be a good candidate, but who knows...I'm so nervous!!!
Have you applied elsewhere? What is your Bachelors in and what line of work do you do?
Anyone else out there applying???
I would think with your qualifications you should have no problem getting in! You have the grades and health related experience, plus AZ residency.
I'm also applying to University of New Mexico, but have been hard pressed to find more alternatives that don't require more/different pre-reqs or that are in the areas where I'd like to relocate.
I have a BA in anthropology and a BFA in graphic design. For the last 10 years I've been working as a designer and decided two years ago to switch careers. It's a big jump, but I'm really excited about taking a new path. Since studying anthro, I've had an interest in medical anthropology and hope to somehow apply that to nursing.