NAU BSN applications?

U.S.A. Arizona


Hi. I'm new to this forum. I'm applying to Northern Arizona University Accelerated BSN program for this summer. I'm just curious to see if anyone else is also, or if anyone has any tips, words of wisdom, etc., about NAU. Thanks!

I have to make a correction so I don't seem like a bimbo here....I bombed my A and P part of the HESI because I am still in Bio202, and had no idea how the heart or lungs worked. And as everyone knows, there were a ton of questions on those two systems. That part would have been a heck of a lot easier had I already finished I and II. I was re-reading my post and thought that I seemed quite stupid for wanting to go to NS and bombing a section dedicated to the body......

I GOT IN, too!!!!! I just got home and my packet was in the mail. Congrats Jacki!! northermel, I'm thinking your letter may take a few more days since you're in Alaska...but let us know how it goes. I'm sure you're in because your GPA and HESI were so wonderful! I'm so excited, I'm shaking. Jacki, did you call to speak to an advisor about what to do next? I'm gonna call this afternoon. Yeah!!!!

Congrats!!! I know, yesterday I was alternating between tears, shaking and screaming. Today the shock set in of the magnitude of going to NS in TWO MONTHS!!! I haven't talked about what to do next with an advisor, but keep me posted what they say!! I was planning on calling them next week. Soak it in, we are about to be in for an amazing time!!!!!:yeah:

damn, that's funny that you say that because i need a place to stay up there too! only thing is, i don't intend on moving up there because my family just logistically can't move away from phoenix right now. but i'll need a place to crash a few nights a week up there.

i haven’t gotten my schedule yet, but i assume i'll have to be up in flag at least 2 days a week, so i know i'm not gonna commute each class day! if i could find a place to share with a few people, that'd be great!

would you want to meet sometime to brainstorm possible scenarios? i know we don't know each other, so it'd be silly to commit to a roommate situation prematurely, but we could at least pow-wow about options and see where it takes us!

pm if you want!

Most definitely, but I have no idea how to PM you! Let me know!!

Haha! I have never done it either, but I think that you should see buttons under my name, next to "Registered User". The little button with a piece of paper and pencil are for PMing. My son is tugging at my leg so I gotta go, but I'll check back in tonight

So, I'm sure you know by now whether you've been admitted or not. I have a dear friend of mine who was accepted Accelerated. I'm in the Traditional BSN program in my 2nd semester currently (I have a couple of previous degrees, but needed to be able to work, so chose to do the Traditional track) I have friends that did the Accel. and they didn't come out feeling as prepared as they wanted to feel (but does anyone, really?)

A word on is what you make it. And I think that can be said for every school. There will be a lot of people in your cohort or otherwise that will complain about, well, just about everything. I've come to realize that these are the people who will complain about everything anyway. NAU is not the most organized school. The school of Nursing is not the shiniest school with the most bells and whistles. But it's a good school. And you will learn as much or as little as you want.

Put the time in? You'll make a good nurse and good grades. If you don't...well...I don't know (I'm not one of those people, thankfully). :0) I would encourage you not to be one who complains. It reflects poorly on you, on the school, and on our chosen profession. Dig in and learn...and have fun! Nursing is a ton of fun! (Believe me...this is a second career...and this is fun!)

Plus, I don't know if you're aware, but there was an enormous donation made that is making $10K scholarships for accelerated students. This is HUGE! (makes me wish I were doing accelerated sometimes).

Best of luck to you in whatever you decide. It's beautiful country up here. People are great. Weather is beautiful. And your experience can be as fulfilling as you want! Skies the limit!

oh, just wanted to add that y'all are crazy if you think you're going to do accelerated program and commute from phoenix. the program MOVES...and I mean MOVES!!!! You'll be all over Arizona (Yuma, etc) on random days.

Just my $0.02, for what it's worth. It's stressful enough to be in Nursing School without trying to drive back and forth on various days. You may want to rethink it.

thanks for the info! being a professional woman with a career and family already, i won't be in with the complaining folks either. but i know what you mean about those kinds of people. i'm hoping the accelerated program will have less of those morale problems, seeing as how everyone in it has already succeeded enough in life to have graduated from college before.

as far as'll be tough, but the fact that they send you all over the place for clinicals is on of the reasons that i realized it was doable...everyone will be driving and we won't be in flag for 5 days in a row! i have a family and can't move, but my family and i decided that a massive sacrifice for 18 months is worth the degree. i'm able to stay in flag for the days and nights in between classes, and a 2 hour drive 2 to 4 times a week won't kill me. i appreciate the feedback...but everyone's life is different, and what one person considers crazy, is normalcy for others. you'd be amazed how many miles i put on my car everyday...i do home visits so i drive on average 100 miles a day for work, so frankly, this will be a driving break for me!!!!!!!

congrats to your friend for getting in. i guess she'll be my classmate!

Absolutely! It sounds like you know what you're getting into! And I think you'll probably love it! Best of luck to you. See you when you're up here!


Hey you two Congratulations!!! You must be soooo excited. I still haven't heard anything...although mail usually takes about a week to get here from the lower 48. I wish I could just call NAU rather than making that anxiety filled trip to the post office.

northernmel-have you found a place to live in Flagstaff yet? I don't know the area too well and am going to head up there next week to check it out. I feel like it is still so far out, but in reality I have two months to find a place, move my stuff and get ready for NS. All while finishing up classes and working in Phoenix!

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