Nassau Community College Spring 2016

U.S.A. New York


Hi everyone! Anyone applying to NCC Spring 2016? I just took my TEAS yesterday. They are using a new way of selecting applicants so it will be interesting. They are using all classes pertaining to the program, rather than the four. Also, they aren't using the science part of the TEAS. Anyone else have any more info?

I have a BS and 3.57 in 7 classes that I have. NC resident. TEAS...I may take again, but I scored Reading 83, math 67, English 70.

I know Geeman, it is tough waiting around. I just want to know either way.

My student info hasn't changed.... @spott86, you applied and yours has changed already?

Now I'm nervous, lol. @spott86, do you mind sharing your stats? I wonder what the pool is like since they are using a different system. Hopefully it works in our favor.

My teas isn't that great I scored a 64. After this semester I'll have only micro & and a elective left. I have A's and B's in everything but statistics. I wouldn't be nervous. Maybe its how I applied. Did anyone else apply through the admissions office?

I applied through admissions, too. I can't imagine that they are finished already, but who knows. @spott86, they only look at TEAS eng, math and reading now so your score is probably better than you think.

Also, @spott86 does your major now say Nursing? If it does, then you should def be in!

My major says previously graduated / not assigned. It would be too early for that to potentially change , It would cause mass panic lol. I have a degree from Nassau already so i would have to get a form signed giving me permission to get a second degree before I can have a major.

I applied through the nursing department but my info hasn't changed... Ahhh now I'm even more nervous

I applied through the nursing department but my info hasn't changed... Ahhh now I'm even more nervous

If you applied through the nursing office don't be nervous. We applied two different ways. So how info is processed will be different. Still plenty of time left.


NCC now has 9 sections listed for NUR 101!!!!!!!!!

Better odds.

That's great! Thanks for letting us know!

That's great! Guess they have more qualified applicants then they expected.

Regular registration starts today. Did anyone's registration status page change?

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