Nassau Community College Spring 2016


Hi everyone! Anyone applying to NCC Spring 2016? I just took my TEAS yesterday. They are using a new way of selecting applicants so it will be interesting. They are using all classes pertaining to the program, rather than the four. Also, they aren't using the science part of the TEAS. Anyone else have any more info?

I have a BS and 3.57 in 7 classes that I have. NC resident. TEAS...I may take again, but I scored Reading 83, math 67, English 70.

hi everyone, I'm applying for spring 2016 too. The last time I called they said there are no mandatory waiting periods to retest but i'm not sure about the retake limit. I didn't know that they don't look at the science part it's a bit odd since you'd think they'd put emphasis on math and science for a nursing program. Anyway if you're not happy with your teas score and have time to retest and can afford the fee then it wouldn't hurt to retake the test, I mean they take your highest score so the way I look at it is you can only get better.

Hi, is anyone apply to the LPN to RN spring 2016 program?

I went to hand in some paperwork last week and was told the decisions will be made around Thanksgiving, just wanted to add that since this thread is so quiet lol

yes, that is what i was told as well. Just handed in my paperwork a week or so ago. good luck!

thanks good luck to you too! we got this =D

Hey everyone. Well it's count down time. Let's keep this thread going. Maybe it will help pass the time! I ended up taking my TEAS again. First time 86, 70, 66 and second 94, 87 and better at least. I hope it's all enough to get it!

anyone know how many seats there are this year?

First time reading 88, elu 73, math 76 and second time 90, 63, 90. So upset my ELU went down because I decided to focus on the math but the lady at admissions said they'll take the 73 I got the first time which is good news. Last time I was there they told me it was around 70-ish seats? They gave me the exact number but that was about a month ago I don't remember but judging from how many people are posting here I'd say we'd all get in with room for 60 seats lol. Good luck!!

I hope we do! The TEAS were packed each time I went. Do you have all of the co-reqs Geeman?

hey guys! a few more weeks until we hear the hopefully good news! just wondering what everyones gap/ grades were like in the science courses to get a feel for where I stand.

i'm missing bio ethics but everything else i have i think, looking at the 33 general education credits they have listed. I also recently logged in to and noticed the application checklist was gone and the layout was different, did this happen for everyone? It's a weird feeling to not do anything and just wait for the decision 20+ days from now, at least before we were studying for the teas and getting our application together so it felt like we were doing something but now it's pretty much just wait by the email/home mail. It's making me anxious haha.

Hey, yes mine is different, too...but just assumed they changed the websites format. I have heard that if you applied through admissions your student information status may change to nursing major before you actually receive a letter (if accepted of course). I also spoke with admissions and they awe giving points for TEAS based on this- 58.7-79 is 5 points, 80-89 is 10, 90-100 is 15. So I have 30. Anyone else have any info? I know points for nassau county and if you've never flunked out of a program before.

I know Geeman, the wait is much slower now! Hopefully it's at least by thanksgiving. I have young children and would love to plan and get a head start!

Where can you see your student information status on MyNCC? Are you a current student at NCC?

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