Published Jun 9, 2017
Net, RN
7 Posts
I took my NCLEX and it was definitely tough. A little background... I started nursing school back in 2015 and did pretty well throughout. Fast forward, I graduated May of this year, and took my NCLEX Friday, June 2nd. I studied uworld throughout my last semester and for 3 additional weeks leading to my NCLEX. I did 150-300 questions a day, alternating resources. I used lippincott NCLEX review and did the comprehensive review questions (150 questions/day). I also did LaCharity...I didn't do that many questions, only like 7-8 chapters. I took my NCLEX and I got 10-15 SATA, a lot of priorities questions, and a lot of infection control questions. The computer shut off at 75 and I knew for sure I failed. I had finished the test in 45 mins, so I was afraid they would think I was cheating. So when later that day I did the PVT trick, and it said "open registration " I became terrified. The next day I grew the guts to check again and I got the good pop-up saying "you are already scheduled...". I still didn't believe it, so I stayed up all night to check my quick results and even then I couldn't believe the words that said "PASS". Now, my name is on the registry and it's finally setting in! I just wanted to share my journey.
RNfindingherway, BSN, RN
799 Posts
Congrats on a job well done.
257 Posts
Congrtas dear. Was the UWORLD questions similar to the nclex questions you got? And was the sata questions so hard to pick the right answers?
Thank you.
UWORLD was very similar. The screen looks identical so it makes you feel you are still doing UWORLD. The SATA questions were ones that you felt comfortable with as long as you didn't over think it. I tried not to spend much time on one question.
20 Posts
I had 27/75 SATA questions (yes, I kept tally marks on my white board, lol) and I felt like they were easier than Uworld. The ones that weren't the answer were pretty obvious, imo.
Also, I had 2 SATA that I picked all of the answers. I wish there was a way to know if I did so correctly. Oh well, doesn't matter! I PASSED!