My letter came! My letter came!

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hello everyone! After 2 years of worrying if my gpa was going to be good enough, my acceptance letter came today! I wasn't expecting it this soon! I saw the mailman before class and decided to get the mail! A fat envelope came that had "return service requested". I sat in my car for a minute and stared at it! I ripped it open like a mad woman! The only thing I saw was "Congratulations!" I screamed like Jaime Lee Curtis in Halloween! My dream has come true! I can't wait for all of you that are waiting to have this feeling! Best wishes all of you!!!!:nurse:

Specializes in Critical Care Hopeful.

CONGRATS!!!! :yeah:

I should be hearing on my application in the next 2-3 weeks.

Thank you all! I am just now getting off of cloud 9! Now the busy part.....shots, physical, ordering uniforms........I am going to get back on cloud 9!


congratulations!! I just applied to my schools nursing program and Im so nervous about getting accepted! Happy to hear someones good news=)

Congrats!! I received my acceptance letter last week too!!!!

Congratulations Chitownhopeful!!!! There is nothing else like this feeling!

Bayli1, hang in there! It will be here before you know it! :clpty::w00t:

Ty Alleycat for the encouraging words! Im so darn scared. I have a 3.82 gpa and 98 percentile nln which i feel is good, but im terrifed of being rejected. this means so much to me at the age of 41 lol.

Girl, tell me about it! You are doing better than me!~ I am 37 years and my gpa was 3.56!:D

Ty Alleycat for the encouraging words! Im so darn scared. I have a 3.82 gpa and 98 percentile nln which i feel is good, but im terrifed of being rejected. this means so much to me at the age of 41 lol.

Good luck; those are very impressive stats!:clown:


I know it is a relief to have that stress off of you. I called today and was told that it would be the last week of March.

Thank you so much! There has been so much stress as all of you know! It really consumed me! It was pretty much all I thought about! A lot of "what ifs" came to play. :chair:

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