Published Aug 7, 2005
Adam D. RN2005
151 Posts
At 7 am tomorrow, I will be reporting for my first shift on a Renal Floor as an RN. I am excited and looking forward to it.
While I realize that the next 3 months of orientation will be hard and overwhelming at times, I am not shying away from it. I know I can do this. I handled 5 patients in Nursing School, and I went through a very tough diploma program that makes the 4 years in college for my B.S. Bio degree look easy.
I have a manager whose first concern is making sure that I don't get too overwhelmed or stressed out. And everytime I have run into her in the hospital, she says that they are looking forward to me coming on and that she has placed me with a good preceptor. The hospital I work at has an excellent reputation for taking new nurses out of school and turning them into good ones.
I don't feel nervous at all, I feel ready for my first shift. And I am ready for the hard work. And I am looking forward to it. Lets nurse!!
Adam, RN
2,228 Posts
Congratulations and good luck! :wink2:
21 Posts
Good luck adam!!! I myself will start my first shift in a huge rehab center as a charge seem too have the right attitude as do i(im told thats the one thing we always have control of) we will both get through it!!! later
At 7 am tomorrow, I will be reporting for my first shift on a Renal Floor as an RN. I am excited and looking forward to it.While I realize that the next 3 months of orientation will be hard and overwhelming at times, I am not shying away from it. I know I can do this. I handled 5 patients in Nursing School, and I went through a very tough diploma program that makes the 4 years in college for my B.S. Bio degree look easy.I have a manager whose first concern is making sure that I don't get too overwhelmed or stressed out. And everytime I have run into her in the hospital, she says that they are looking forward to me coming on and that she has placed me with a good preceptor. The hospital I work at has an excellent reputation for taking new nurses out of school and turning them into good ones. I don't feel nervous at all, I feel ready for my first shift. And I am ready for the hard work. And I am looking forward to it. Lets nurse!! Adam, RN
14 Posts
Congratulations! Go get em' tiger!!!!!!!!!!
ancella marie
47 Posts
you are truly inspiring - right attitude, right outlook towards your job :yelclap: - congratulations! :wink2:
1,164 Posts
Your hospital sounds a lot like mine! that is why I am very excited to go to work every day. Although I'm just a unit secretary, they will work with me to be a great nurse. Watching the new nurses on the floor and seeing how great their preceptorships are and how happy they are, makes me know I made the right decision.
AtlantaRN, RN
763 Posts
Good luck to you! It is encouraging that there are still managers out there that are "human" first. I recently went to an inservice at our facility presented by our manager (who used to be a floor nurse with us just 3 short years ago), and the first thing she stressed was "take care of yourself first."
I'm excited for you!
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
congratulations to you and good luck!
grinnurse, RN
767 Posts
Congrats and I wish you well for your first shift. It's so exciting isn't it?
CardioTrans, BSN, RN
789 Posts
I hope that your first shift goes/went well. Let us know!!!!!!!!!
My first shift as an RN was wow. I got up at 5:30 got ready, and put my brandnew crisp white uniform on with my name embroided on it. I have been looking forward to wearing it for months since I ordered it!! I didn't feel overwhelmed, but I did feel like I knew what I was doing! While I was shadowing my preceptor, I got to do three IV sticks, didn't get blood on 2 of them, then on the other, I got blood, but the patient moved their arm and blew the vein. A couple of times, I looked around for my instructor to sign the meds a couple times, then realized I was the RN!!!
My preceptor is really cool, and she encouraged me several times to try things out. But I will admit, 12 hours is a long shift.
My next shift is on Wednesday, and I will have my first patient as an RN!!! I can't wait. I am looking so forward to Wednesday. While I realize it will be a heck of a lot busier then today, I am ready. And I feel confident enough that I am on the correct unit.
:Melody: I love my job.:balloons: And I can also finally put the layoff from IBM 3 1/3 years ago behind me. And thanks for the well wishes! I have learned to keep a positive outlook helps me get through the hard times. And I have experienced advirsity literally from the day I was born, and yet I have come through each and everytime. So I know I can do this. I am going to be a Good nurse, the best nurst that I can be!
Let's Nurse!!
231 Posts
COOL!! Sounds good, Adam! Glad to hear you are enjoying your new job - I hope I'm as excited as you are when I start nursing!
Until then, I'll do a happy dance for ya.
(I'm one heck of a dancer, 'ey?) :)