My daughter's got mono


Her brick of a mother and stepdad have literally banished her to her room....not allowed to come out except for the bathroom, food brought to her, won't talk to her except through the door or by calling her on her cell phone.....FROM THE OTHER ROOM!!!!

Good grief!!

Per usual, people don't realize that by the time symptoms show up they have usually already been exposed. And, more than likely the parents have been exposed to the Epstein Barr virus in their past anyway.

Poor girl!

Specializes in Med/Surg, Ortho.

Exactly, and by the time any symptoms may be gone it doesnt mean they are over it. It can take months for the enlargement of the spleen to go away, the exhaustion and need for extra sleep to go away.

I think mom needs some education and daughter needs a pardon from jail.

Specializes in Onc/Hem, School/Community.

I had mono in my early 20's and I'm happy to say my family did not treat me that way. I had my own apartment at the time and they insisted that I stay with them in order to get good care. I feel sorry for your daughter.

Specializes in Peds Cardiology,Peds Neuro,Pedi ER,PICU, IV Jedi.

I'm so sorry to hear that...mono sucks!! Years ago when I was unfortunate enough to get mono, I was out for weeks but my mom and dad made sure I had everything I needed. Makes me sick to think of parents treating their kids this way...ugh. Get over yourselves and take care of your's not about you.


hoping your daughter gets better soon!!!

Thanks, all! I wish she were here, she's the kind that wants cuddling when she's sick.

Specializes in LTC.

That's just tacky! Just for that I hope they come down with the mono!

My hubby suggested to her to spit on the stepdad's toothbrush.......

(Can you guess there's no love lost between the stepdad [also known as the stepdud) and the kids?)

Specializes in jack of all trades.

Wow does that end of the family need some serious education!! Poor kid, is there anyway you can have her stay with you through this? I had mono myself which most likely I caught off a patient in the ICU I worked in at age 31. Surprisingly I was the only one who caught it in the unit. After almost 2 weeks in the hospital and one very unnecessary appendectomy LMAO they discovered I had mono with mesenteric adenitis rather than acute appendicitis!!! Something a simple mono spot would have detected lol. I was ill for more than 6 months I had it so severly but noone in my home caught it either. We didnt do anything special with exception of Dont drink from my glasses and use a little bleach in the dishwater. Lots of good handwashing. I had 2 children also so was fortunate noone else developed the symptoms. But dang think that was the most ill I had ever felt in my life!!!

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

I spent the summer of 2003 (or was it 2002?) dragging around thinking that I was tired from working too hard, not getting enough sleep, and going through menopause as I was in my late 40's. I thought I was lucky that I was not getting "real hot flashes" and only getting a lingering feeling of being warm most afternoons and evenings.

Well, I changed doctors in early fall (for unrelated reasons) and she did a routine set of labs to give me a "good once over" as a new patient. You guessed it, I had been living with a mild case of mono all summer! My doctor asked if I had ever had mono before because it looked as if I was having a little relapse -- but I have no memory of ever having anything like that. Nothing special was, no treatment, just tried to take it easy for awhile. I reported it to Occupational Health and they weren't concerned -- though they might have been had I worked in a direct patient care role. I don't know.


Specializes in ENT, Urology, OR, OB/GYN, Med/Surg.

Excuse my ignorance but where does one find the article that brings the responses?

Her brick of a mother and stepdad have literally banished her to her room....not allowed to come out except for the bathroom, food brought to her, won't talk to her except through the door or by calling her on her cell phone.....FROM THE OTHER ROOM!!!!

Good grief!!

Tazzi, forgive me but I'm confused here . . . . you said your daughter has mono and my impression is you are calling yourself a "brick" of a mother . . .but then I go on to read that you are married to her dad who suggested spitting on stepdad's toothbrush?

My mind is spinning . . . .who is who?


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