Multiple Attempts and I have finally passed the NCLEX!

Nursing Students NCLEX


Hello everyone! I passed my NCLEX early last month and just got around to making this post now in hopes my journey will inspire you to keep trying. I struggled with the NCLEX RN for a year and a half, not to mention the torture of taking HESI to exit my nursing school, and when I say struggle, I mean struggle. I'm not good at computerized testing. I switched up my study habits multiple times. I used all types of study material, from Kaplan, Saunders, Davis, Hurst, a refresher course, to school notes. After my 2nd and 3rd try and failing, I could feel myself losing hope. Then came my 4th attempt and yet still coming out short. The amount of stress and anxiety that this test gave me almost tore me apart. The pressures of my parents to hurry up and pass and seeing all my fellow classmates get nursing jobs didn't help either. I remember thinking why can't it just be my turn? You could say it was a dark time in my life, but I always told myself just keep trying, you can't give up now. So for a good two months, I would go to the library and study. I went through the yellow Saunders book probably 5 times, while simultaneously taking tests to see my progress. I kept watching the Hurst videos too. With each practice question I would try to really think of it in terms of what nursing basics can be applied and stem my thinking from there. I still had doubts though, having taken the test so many times there was no way to really mentally block it out, but I kept telling myself not to be scared. Then miraculously after my 5th attempt at the NCLEX I finally passed. One of my proudest moments. I remembered all the times I cried, all the frustration and doubt. It was all worth it. I found a job and now am waiting to start my career.

So please, just don't give up. I know how hard it can be, but just keep remembering all the hard work you put into school, the hard work you're putting in now, and all the people who support you. YOU WILL PASS! It may take "x" amount of times. Everyones' journey is different. Your time will come and when it does it feels awesome :) Good Luck!

This is so inspiring.. I am glad i found your post. I graduated from nursing school 2010 and have taken the test 4 times and failed at it.. the worst feeling ever!! family circumstances, and family deaths happened so it took me a while to get back on the review mode. Now freshly relocated in Michigan, im refocusing and slowly getting back on preparing for the NCLEX rn exam... I am planning on using my accumulated review materials and notes and use nclex apps.. and praying that this time with hard core studying, that this 5th try will be my final test! i am nervous but could not wait any longer to finally get over this challenge and become a licensed nurse!!


I am planning to test again this year. I have tested more times than I can or care to remember, more than 6 times for sure, so this gives me hope and the added motivation I need to be successful!

Thanks for sharing!


Hi! I am new here. I am a graduate of BSN in the Philippines batch 2009. I filed my application and one last requirement that they ask me is the copy of my cases. Good thing im here in the Philippines so I personally ask my school & currently processing on it. I just want to know just in case i will be denied by CA BRN if they still forward your documents to BPVNT for the Nclex-pn exam?? Thanks!

Congrats I will be taking exam 4 the end of February.....I am really hoping that I can get pass this exam...I have never struggle with academics so I am just overwhelmed on why I cant pass this exam. My friends and family members are looking at me like I have done something wrong......I am so sick of this exam................

OMG, I feel so rude! I wasn't getting any email notifications and only thought to look at this forum now. I didn't realize how much feedback I would get on my post, and a huge THANK YOU for all your kind words. Again, I know the struggle of having to take the test multiple times only to come out short. Now that I am a licensed nurse I look back on my struggle and think of how far I have come and where it has brought me. I feel like before you start really studying or even now, find within yourself that motivation and use it as a daily reminder of how much you want to pass. Remind yourself every day that you have what it takes to pass. And then one day you will find yourself seeing your name with the words "RN" next to it.

As far as study tips:

1.) Different methods work for different people. It took me a while to figure out what study methods worked for me, and in my case it was repetition. Going over the Saunders book material, listening to videos and take practice questions at least 5 times a day really helped.

2.) I'm sure you have all accumulated enough study material that you don't know which ones to use. If you have many choices, stick with one and master the material rather than jumping from this book to the next. Unless you feel like your material isn't good enough then find something that caters to those subjects. I used the Saunders 5th edition yellow book and the CD-Rom with questions, and hurst review lecture (videos only). Though the questions weren't the most challenging or became repetitive, it was the action of doing the questions and coming up with my own strategies of breaking them down that helped.

3.) Don't forget to give yourself a break. Do the things that make you happy still and be around those you care about. We get so caught up with stress of this test that we forget these things sometimes.

4.) Trust yourself. I know that doubt is scary, thinking about how I felt the days before my test still make me feel anxious. But YOU GOT THIS. And when you take that test, let go of all the fear because theres no point in being scared. Why throw away the money you payed and the time you slaved over studying just to waste a chance to succeed?

So go out there and show the world that you can overcome this test! That YOU CAN SUCCEED! As I write this I can't help but get the feels and smile and think "wow, I really did do it, I'm a registered nurse." And I hope that in time you will all do the same too.

The best of luck to you all

I'm not entirely sure how the process of paperwork is like for cases like yours. I would definitely call the BRN to ask. Or if you can have someone go there personally, because their phone line is usually busy. Hope this helps!

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