


I cant decide between Medical assistant & LPN..But for me nursing has more job opportunities & greater slary.What i like about medical assistant is to be able to work in a doctors office,i kinda like the office atmosphere.But i keep coming back to nursing but doing bedside care kind of scare me.So my question is,where else a nurse can work?Because if i will be nurse,i would like to work in a doctors office,im just wondering if i will have a hard time finding a job in that area compared to working in hospital.Another question is ,during your clinicals,, what kind of patient care you did? & last question,if you are working right now in a hospital as an LPN,what is your typical day?

ANy ideas will be so much appreciated! :)

Specializes in LTC.

I'm neither, but in my area all the want ads for Drs. Offices hire LPNs and CMAs interchangably.

Specializes in ICU, PICC Nurse, Nursing Supervisor.

You can work in a doctors office as a LVN. Nursing will provide you more training and skills and it will give you better oppportunities for advancement. If you decided to be a medical assistant and then later wanted to be a RN, guess what you get to start all over. But if you are a LVN, then you can transition from LVN to RN and it taked less time. There are so many more reasons to go into nursing. I will post some more here later, Im sleepy and am going back to bed. But I will mention that I have been both a Medical assistant and now LVN (on my way to RN)...Good Luck you.....


I cant decide between Medical assistant & LPN..But for me nursing has more job opportunities & greater slary.What i like about medical assistant is to be able to work in a doctors office,i kinda like the office atmosphere.But i keep coming back to nursing but doing bedside care kind of scare me.So my question is,where else a nurse can work?Because if i will be nurse,i would like to work in a doctors office,im just wondering if i will have a hard time finding a job in that area compared to working in hospital.Another question is ,during your clinicals,, what kind of patient care you did? & last question,if you are working right now in a hospital as an LPN,what is your typical day?

ANy ideas will be so much appreciated! :)

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.

If nursing is your ultimate goal then LPN I would think offers you the more possibilities for advancement. Ultimately, you have to decide taking your future plans and goals into account. I wish you the best of luck :kiss

Specializes in ante/postpartum, baby RN.
last question,if you are working right now in a hospital as an LPN,what is your typical day?

ANy ideas will be so much appreciated! :)

Try the LPN Corner forums.


Go for the LVN/ LPN. If you decide to bridge over for your RN, you will be that much closer.

Specializes in SNF-LTC; Gero-psych.

Im gonna agree with everyone else... i would def. go with the LPN VS. ©MA(CNA,) You will have a bettter pay scale, your room for advancement would take far less time... AND LPN's can work in Doctors offices, however, the pay isnt as good as say a hospital.... ANY way good luck on whatever you decide to do

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