Most easy job in Nursing?

Nurses General Nursing

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I am currently working in the OR and I used to work on the floor. After 3 months of the OR training, I am already sick of the verbal abuse from both surgeons and anesthesiologists.

I am wondering what will be the best job in nursing that...

1. I don't have to be on call

2. I don't have to work nights

3. I will have regular day shift hours

4. I will get Sat and Sun off

5. I don't have to take care of 7 patients and break my back

6. I don't have to stay 2 hours extra every day to chart

7. I will feel that I have accomplished something at the end of the day

8. I will not be yelled at by some doctors or surgeons

I feel like I am in the wrong field. What should I do? Do you feel the same as I do? I am depressed most of the time and I drag my feet to go to work. I want to call in sick all the time.


Specializes in Med/Surg/Hospice/Ger/IC/UR.

Rather than running away, and depriving the area of a good nurse, maybe try going through administration to attempt change in that area. JCAHO has realized that more errors, both procedure and medicine,occurred in environments where verbal abuse and degrading occur. It is time both physicians and nursing stop allowing that kind of abuse to occur. It is not allowed in other areas, it should not be tolerated there. A partnership between all professionals will not only increase patient safety, but increase the hospital's ability to retain good nurses, respiratory therapists, etc!! Let's try to be change agents, not just looking at nursing as a JOB!! Someday it will be us lying in a hospital bed, wishing there was a nurse to care for us, but no one will be doing it, as they don't want to work weekends and holidays or create change to make the job "easier"!

Hello all!

I think in my career as an nurse, the best job to meet your requirements has been cardiac rehab. I think this is the best kept secret in nursing. Patients are pleasant, hours are great--no weekends, nights, holidays, and where I work, we get to come in sweats! ( What could be better! ) One tough one is you have to be ACLS certified but most courses now are really "user friendly" . I suggest you look into this area--it's usually not too exciting but after 23 years of being a nurse, I'm ok without "exciting". Lastly, the patients really appreciate your caring and cheering them on to better health. Good luck!

I work in the Education & Staff Development dept at our hospital. It is great! We work some long hours, but our schedule is flexible and we get to set our own schedule. We do all kinds of education including CPR, ACLS, PALS etc recerts and coordinate educational programs for the staff. No weekends or holidays either. ;)

and I know who you worked for! Cause there can't be two of them....Is Tyler TX a good guess?

Specializes in Nursing assistant.

The rabbi walked down to the altar, knelt, beat his chest and cried, "I'm nobody, I'm nobody, I'm nobody."

Soon the cantor knelt at the altar beside the rabbi, beat his chest and cried, "I'm nobody, I'm nobody, I'm nobody."

A short while later, the janitor came down the aisle, knelt beside the cantor and beat his chest while crying, "I'm nobody, I'm nobody, I'm nobody."

The cantor turned to the rabbi and said disgustedly, "Look who thinks he's nobody!"


I have been a nurse for 9 months and have done tele, e/r, and rehab nursing. I decided to try case managment and I think I will be really happy. I will start working for a health insurance company in 3 weeks. I don't know how it's going to be but the thought of working M-F 8-5, no weekend, no needles, and just plain no hospital setting is looking very good right about now.

Good luck

Specializes in OR.
PedRadRN said:
Radiology nursing is the easiest nursing job that I have found. I have worked on the floors and then in an outpt. Pediatric office and now in Radiology and I love it!!

We sedate kids for their MRI's/ CT's and Nuc Med scans. The pt. comes & goes in about 2 hours or less then on to the next pt. We work day shift at our hospital. 8, 10 & 12 hours (7a-7p). are available. I just went to part time status to be home with my child more often. Would never give up this job. We work every 6th-7th weekend, but a few nurses volunteer more for the weekends so the others don't have to work that often. A weekend day is 730-4p. Closed on holidays. :nurse:

Turn over rate is very low to none in our Radiology dept for nurses.

Do you have to take a course to be a radiology nurse? What kind of background do you have?

Specializes in OR.
sloveladyg said:
My very first job out of nursing school was in the OR. I was totally unprepared for the verbal abuse, especially from the OR techs, as they 'ran the OR'. I stayed in surgery for many years, but, like you I hated it and dreaded going to work.

After 25 years in nursing (and many career moves) ha!, I am working in hemodialysis and I really like it.

It is technical, structured, but with autonomy. No dealing with physicians, and the ones you do deal with are easy going and listen to the nurses. The clinic I work for is free standing. I never thought about dialysis, but I wish I had done this YEARS ago.

Good luck.

How did you get in to this area? I think you have to take special courses and learn how to do dialysis?

Specializes in OR.
penguin2 said:
Free-standing surgery center, definitely! No weekends, holidays, call, or nights. The surgeons are much more relaxed than at the hospital, & no hospital politics. If your cases finish early you can leave, no floating to other units. After working many yrs in a hospital, my 1st yr in a surgery center is a breeze!! Good luck!

Do they use similar instruments as the hospitals that you used to work at?

Specializes in OR.
washingtonrn said:
Hello all!

I think in my career as an nurse, the best job to meet your requirements has been cardiac rehab. I think this is the best kept secret in nursing. Patients are pleasant, hours are great--no weekends, nights, holidays, and where I work, we get to come in sweats! ( What could be better! ) One tough one is you have to be ACLS certified but most courses now are really "user friendly" . I suggest you look into this area--it's usually not too exciting but after 23 years of being a nurse, I'm ok without "exciting". Lastly, the patients really appreciate your caring and cheering them on to better health. Good luck!

When you say cardiac rehab, don't you have to wear scrub and work in the hospital? What do actually do, can you tell me more please?

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