4 months and no JOB!


I live in SC and currently have had my license for 4 months. I have applied to 5 hospitals and 6 nursing homes, and thought I had a job until they said they thought I had nursing experience so I had to wait until January to start their new grad program. I am so frustrated with how job hunting is going and am getting very discouraged with nursing. As of right now I have to keep my job as a tech until I can begin working as an RN. I am wondering if anyone else is going through this, and what are some other options out there in order to begin my career as an RN.

The job market right now is HORRIBLE in my experience.I send thank you emails to places where I've had interviews,call them after a few days to see whats going on etc.Also are you willing to commute?Often there are jobs in more rural areas or bigger cities than where you live.My first job I had to commute because absolutely nobody would give me my first nursing job in my city.

I graduated in May and JUST started my first job last week. I would apply to several places and not hear anything from anyone for at least a month and if I would call them to see if they received my application, I would never hear back from anyone.

Another frustration is the "experience required" syndrome. How are we supposed to gain experience if they won't give us a chance???

In addition to that, most places require new grads to work nights. I can't...single mom with two school age kids. I finally found a place that's willing to let me work days.

Focus on the positive. At least you currently have a job and can keep working until you find something else. I know it's frustrating. Keep your chin up! It'll happen!!:nurse:

Specializes in L&D, MedSurg.

Nursespunky, I too have been seeking a RN position for the last 4 months. I took my boards the 12th of August and it took me till last friday to get a Med/Surg job in a hospital 2 hours away from my home! And it's a night shift position at that! I am so glad to get it though.. finally. I had applied to 36 positions ( hospitals, clinics, flu clinic, SNF, dispensary nurse, Dr. Office) and the issue there seemed to be lack of experience. But I kept on looking. In my area there has even been a hiring freeze on many of the larger hospitals like Sutter and Kaiser. Keep on looking. That's what I would be doing if this hadn't come along. Good luck. Remember... you can't have too many good nurses! You will go on to be that RN you trained for.

THANKS EVERYONE!!!:yeah: Since the first post I have had to two interviews. My dilemma now is if I should start one of these positions and have to quit during orientation, because my "dream" job at the VA starts in January. I have almost been guaranteed a position, but dont want to put all my beans in one jar, and have something happen and I dont end up with a job. The two other jobs I cant even begin until mid-November and orientation is 12 weeks long, which means I would only have been through 6 weeks orientation before leaving, and I dont want to have to leave! Im just confused at what to do, because I need a job, but the job i REALLY want doesnt start until January!:banghead:

Unless they put it in writing at the VA then you don't have a job (been there, done that) If you are offered a paying job now, take it. When and if, the VA hires you, then, give a professional letter of resignation where you are currently at. Hospitals do what they have to do, believe me if someone needs to lay you off someday, they will. So you do what you need to do. FOUR months with no job is a long while, so take what you can. Heck you'll gain a little training and get paid for it. I hope you get your VA job :) I would love to work there too! I've been to a few VA hospitals and they really need caring people, as sometimes, their patients are so bad off.

Specializes in Med Surg, Ortho.
THANKS EVERYONE!!!:yeah: Since the first post I have had to two interviews. My dilemma now is if I should start one of these positions and have to quit during orientation, because my "dream" job at the VA starts in January. I have almost been guaranteed a position, but dont want to put all my beans in one jar, and have something happen and I dont end up with a job. The two other jobs I cant even begin until mid-November and orientation is 12 weeks long, which means I would only have been through 6 weeks orientation before leaving, and I dont want to have to leave! Im just confused at what to do, because I need a job, but the job i REALLY want doesnt start until January!:banghead:

Didn't you say in your original post that you are a tech? If so, can that job hold you over till the January job? Personally, I don't think it would be right to start a job that you know you'll quit.

Specializes in Pediatric Psychiatry, Home Health VNA.

I'm right there with you! I live in MA and have had my license for over 4 months and still do not have a f/t job. So discouraging. Have you looked into something per diem just to put the experience down?

I live in SC and currently have had my license for 4 months. I have applied to 5 hospitals and 6 nursing homes, and thought I had a job until they said they thought I had nursing experience so I had to wait until January to start their new grad program. I am so frustrated with how job hunting is going and am getting very discouraged with nursing. As of right now I have to keep my job as a tech until I can begin working as an RN. I am wondering if anyone else is going through this, and what are some other options out there in order to begin my career as an RN.

What about talking directly with some one with a lot of

What about talking directly with some one with a lot of experience in recruiting ? (Sorry for the typo earlier)

2nd scuba-girl. It's nice to want to be fair, but you have to do what is best for yourself first when it comes to employment.

Plus, a bird in hand is worth two in the bush. "Almost been guaranteed" is not a sure enough bet to hold out for without backup.

Since my last post I have benn on two other interviews which were both for nursing homes, and they said I would only have 3-5 days of orientation, and then would be responsible for 17 patients during the day and 44 at night. I thought that was ridiculous and was not willing to put my license on the line, so I turned down both. So that still leaves me without a job. Im trying to be optimistic being that job at the VA will work itself out in January.

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