Published Dec 16, 2005
pampa's finest
21 Posts
hello, i was wondering, did anyone get a grant or scholarship to go to nursing school? how about a male nursing scholarship?
85 Posts
hello i was wondering, did anyone get a grant or scholarship to go to nursing school? how about a male nursing scholarship?[/quote']got a full scholarship but it wasn't cuz i was a male, it was just a healthcare related scholarship.
got a full scholarship but it wasn't cuz i was a male, it was just a healthcare related scholarship.
755 Posts
Your best bet is to check with the financial advisor at the school you would like to go to. I got 2 govt grants that totaled around $2500, and a $500 scholarship plus a $75 scholarship. I don't think being a male would matter either way. Good Luck!!:)
was it through your school or from another source? oh and thanks for responding!
thanks for responding, well see i talked to the financial aid counselor and all she knew of was the FAFSA and the stafford loan, which i really didnt want to do and with school so close, Jan 17th, i just wanted to make the money was there. this gvt grant that you got was it like a pell grant, cause i got that one, but i need more, i just dont want to have to worry about trying to pay back a loan, you know?
875 Posts
I got a state scholarship which paid tuition and book money. I had to agree to work within the state for the amt of years I took the money, but it was worth it. Maybe your state has something similar.
17 Articles; 45,835 Posts
try here for different scholarships, pampa's finest. you might find something:
it was through our school, u signed up and then send in an application and it was a scholarship from a local company who gave a few thousand a yr for ya to go to school.
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
Got a full loan here ...LOL
6 Posts
I believe that if you do a more general search you will do better at finding money. would be one site. BHPR or GSA, both government sites, could help as well. Do you know how to balance 24 chairs on your chin, speak Klingon, or any other peculiar thing? AOL has an article (archived from last year) about particular "hobbies" for $500. Have you written any essays? Let me confide in everyone here- We all forget to go for those because we think we won't get them...THe ability of a good writer and a bad writer is to make an cogent argument, even if it isn't your opinion.
thank you, KB i will llook into that.
try here for different scholarships, pampa's finest. you might find something:
thank you siri, i will check those websites out.i appreciate the response. can i ask you a question siri? all of those initials behind your name, how long did it take to get them? :rotfl: lol...seriously, i mean i want to go on and do my lvn,then my rn, but i want to have like a, i dont know what you would call it, a masters i guess, like a pediatric nurse or specialize in a certain area of nursing like that.
but again thank you