I have a meeting with my manager today.
I know that she feels I am the problem. I have asked to transfer shifts as well as opportunities in the hospital in the past, only to be told explicitly now. I have expressed my concerns to my boss before in regards to my treatment and she calmly listened, and seemingly took no action. My best guess is that she assumed it would just go away.
I was physically threated by a coworker Sunday when she stated to another nurse "I am about to kick her ***". This was because I asked her to work as a team. As charge nurse she has to help me take care of my patients, if she feels I am not doing an adequate job. She refused. Stated she did not have time to do my job. All this while my patient was being appropriately cared for.
For a year and half I have faced challenges with these 4 women. But I can honestly tell you now is the first time I have feared for the safety of patients among these nurses. I also notice they throw other new nurses, techs, pulled nurses to the wolves and often call other departments and nurses "stupid". I fear my my safety at work as well. I don't want to go into the med room, supply room, or walk to my car at night for fear of a verbal assault.
I am doing my very best to do the right thing. 2 of the nurses will be leaving in December, for different opportunity. 2 will be left.
I really enjoy the patients, doctors, and care I am allowed to provide in my current position. I have so much faith in the good of mankind that I hope for these best out of these situations. I also am fearful for the safety of these patients. Not so much with them, but the patients of nurses that aren't in their social group.
What can I do to make this better? How can this be fixed?