MNA and Nurses Respond to the Killing of George Floyd by Police

As a nurse, what is your first reaction as you hear those words? Nurses General Nursing News


We have all seen on the news the terrible scene that played out in the streets in Minnesota when George Floyd, an unarmed 46-year-old black male, was arrested by the Minnesota Police for attempted forgery at a convenience store. The action was caught on video as George Floyd, handcuffed and pinned to the ground face down by an officer who pressed with his full weight with his knee on Mr. Floyd's neck for more than 8 minutes. We watched and heard George Floyd crying out that he couldn't breathe. We heard him calling for "Mama". We watched as his body went limp with the officer still holding him down. This will be a scene I shall never forget.

The following are quotes from the Minnesota Nurses Association's response to this heinous crime.


As nurses, we see the horrific effects of racism in our hospitals and community every day. We cannot remain silent as yet another black man has died at the hands of police...


George Floyd's last words were "I can't breathe.” George Floyd died shortly after arriving at the hospital."

Nurses jump into action when they hear someone say "I can't breathe", instead of standing there watching them die. Their goal is to save lives, not kill people


In the case of George Floyd, Minneapolis Police took no care or life-saving measures. Instead, they left him pinned down to the ground until paramedics arrived. Police ignored the pleas of George Floyd and he died.

Nurses care for all patients, regardless of their gender, race, religion or other status. We expect the same from the police. Unfortunately, nurses continue to see the devastating effects of systematic racism and oppression targeting people of color in our communities. We demand justice for George Floyd and a stop to the unnecessary death of black men at the hands of those who should protect them.

As a nurse, or as a compassionate human, how has this horrific event affected you? We have seen protests (some peaceful and some that have erupted into riots), vandalism, looting, and more. What is going on in your community? What actions can nurses take?

Let us stand together and let our voices be heard. Post your comments below.

Who the hell is "the girl"? Why don't black folks seem to have names with certain ilk. Her name is Ma'Khia Bryant. @toomuchbaloney stop wasting your time on racist ignorance. I'm trying to figure out why AN Admin hasn't closed this thread yet. It's clearly been taken over by the AN resident klan.

18 hours ago, Workitinurfava said:

You seem racist, like no matter what you don't like her because she is white and is just calling it how it is. It's not just white people that feel the murder was justifiable, it's your own people. See you want to call her racist when it's all you have left to try and win an argument but this racist thing is starting to go both ways in 2021 (not including her). You turned a justifiable death into a racism issue. 

I think it is pretty obvious who has the problems here. I am not going to discuss it anymore. I never said anything racist, neither did you. Truth hurts sometimes and people cannot accept that truth. As I have said I really could care less about the color of anyone's skin. I care about how they treat others and some nurses have deep issues that affect all their interactions. There is nothing I or you can do about it. But yes, you are right. If you argue against them or try to point out the truth, they will hate you because they have an agenda that your comments do not fit. Real close to leaving this site again because it has become facebook arguing where people randomly slam others anonymously. Like NY- just walk up and punch someone seems to be the way there. You are stronger than me if you continue to engage. I am too old for this nonsense. It died in the 60s. People keep digging it up.

2 hours ago, nursemarion said:

I think it is pretty obvious who has the problems here. I am not going to discuss it anymore. I never said anything racist, neither did you. Truth hurts sometimes and people cannot accept that truth. As I have said I really could care less about the color of anyone's skin. I care about how they treat others and some nurses have deep issues that affect all their interactions. There is nothing I or you can do about it. But yes, you are right. If you argue against them or try to point out the truth, they will hate you because they have an agenda that your comments do not fit. Real close to leaving this site again because it has become facebook arguing where people randomly slam others anonymously. Like NY- just walk up and punch someone seems to be the way there. You are stronger than me if you continue to engage. I am too old for this nonsense. It died in the 60s. People keep digging it up.

Who is "them" and who are you to tell people who experience racism on a regular basis what the hell is and isn't racist and how to perceive it and when to be offended? I'm definitely no racist but keep proving my point while you keep being offensive and clutch your faux pearls. The tossing insults and hiding hands game is tired. People of all races throughout this thread have called out certain subliminal racist speak from a few posters and given example after example, also included articles and studies, of racism and how some of you are displaying ACTUAL racism yet here you are with this BS.

This y'all? Answer: Yes.


adjective: racist

prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.

noun: racist; plural noun: racists

a person who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.

Girl bye! ?

6 hours ago, NurseBlaq said:

Who the hell is "the girl"? Why don't black folks seem to have names with certain ilk. Her name is Ma'Khia Bryant. @toomuchbaloney stop wasting your time on racist ignorance. I'm trying to figure out why AN Admin hasn't closed this thread yet. It's clearly been taken over by the AN resident klan.

I don't have to say her name, it's already been established who I am talking out,, you say who is the girl and then you name her. You are so determined to try and say her death isn't justified. You want the thread closed because you really can't prove she died due to racism. It's easier to just stop talking, throw insults, cry racism and then say close the thread. Look at the facts and think logically. Don't just see a white cop shooting her and assume it's racism out the gate.

34 minutes ago, NurseBlaq said:

Who is "them" and who are you to tell people who experience racism on a regular basis what the hell is and isn't racist and how to perceive it and when to be offended? I'm definitely no racist but keep proving my point while you keep being offensive and clutch your faux pearls. The tossing insults and hiding hands game is tired. People of all races throughout this thread have called out certain subliminal racist speak from a few posters and given example after example, also included articles and studies, of racism and how some of you are displaying ACTUAL racism yet here you are with this BS.

This y'all? Answer: Yes.


adjective: racist

prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.

noun: racist; plural noun: racists

a person who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.

Girl bye! ?

Yet, even if power were the arbiter of racism, people of color could still be racist. In nations in which people of color are in power, they can be racist against other ethno-racial groups. Idi Amin, Uganda’s ruler in the early 1970’s, stirred up ethno-racial hatred among Ugandan blacks against the ethnic Indian population of Uganda (some native-born), and many were driven from the country.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
2 hours ago, Workitinurfava said:

Yet, even if power were the arbiter of racism, people of color could still be racist. In nations in which people of color are in power, they can be racist against other ethno-racial groups. Idi Amin, Uganda’s ruler in the early 1970’s, stirred up ethno-racial hatred among Ugandan blacks against the ethnic Indian population of Uganda (some native-born), and many were driven from the country.

Still acting like you don't know what's going on.  

45 minutes ago, toomuchbaloney said:

Still acting like you don't know what's going on.  

Did you read the information? Seems not, your post isn't addressing it.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
19 minutes ago, Workitinurfava said:

Did you read the information? Seems not, your post isn't addressing it.

My posts are addressing the tone of your remarks and you pretending that you don't know why I am addressing you in this way.  

1 hour ago, toomuchbaloney said:

My posts are addressing the tone of your remarks and you pretending that you don't know why I am addressing you in this way.  

Explain how 

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
1 hour ago, Workitinurfava said:

Explain how 

How what? How you are acting like you don't know why I'm addressing you or your denial of racism in the country while you promote racist thinking with your remarks?

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

I think it's important we SAY THE NAMES of people obviously victimized by racially-driven crimes or dying needlessly.

8 hours ago, Workitinurfava said:

NurseBlaq- Read the ebook section through the link. It is fascinating. And if you refuse to hear from us (or just me) because you have blinders on (and are innately prejudiced towards me), then perhaps the points in this book will give you insight into your own behavior.

"adjective: racist

prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized".

Yep, that describes you, obviously. You need a little self awareness. I believe you are part of the 20%.