Mira Costa Palomar spring 2018 ADN program

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hey there! I am creating this thread for all applicants to Mira Costa and Palomar for the Spring 2018 semester. Hopefully we can cheer each other on and take some of the waiting anxiety away together. My scores were somewhere between 78-84 points with a teas score of 78.6%. As you can see, VERY average. Can anyone enlighten me on the difference between Palomar, Mira Costa, and Grossmont? Grossmont does currently have its own page, but the more informative sources the better! Thanks and good luck to everyone!

I had 75 too, and Gail emailed back & let me know it wasn't competitive enough. Just a heads up

I got an acceptance letter yesterday and I will be accepting my spot! my points were about 79-81, the deadline for accepting is this Thursday!

I sent an email to Gail yesterday but she didn't respond. Her last name is Rodriques right?

I need to find her email. I still havent heard anything. At this point I just want my rejection email so I can move on and focus on my other options.

i would guess we wont hear till maybe friday depending on whether those invited on monday have respond by thursday and spots are full if that makes sense. Probably a third round will go out if those notified monday dont accept. It also may be less about particular days and more about incoming and outgoing individual responses. Id guess it would be wrapped up before break. Out of my control so I laugh to keep from crying so to speak! I would say anyone in the 70 to even high 60 something range can get into a school somewhere other then sd if willing to commit a couple years somewhere else. Im not giving up but the timing isnt going to be what I hoped for at this point! Im frustrated but clearly not alone. There was a time not long ago when it was purely a wait list! That was really tough to get on and sit around waiting a year or two but now for us in this middle range that wait list concept seems more ideal then getting hedged out by a point or two perhaps on issues that have no bearing on actual nursing skills. Life aint fair I guess!

She hasn't replied back to me yet. I'm in the same boat, just send me my denial notice so I can move on í ½í¸•

I don't think they have sent out rejection letters yet because they said they were expecting a lot of denials because they were pretty much the last in the county to send out notifications so people have already decided on other schools. So there is still a chance! I think what they are doing is going day by day since last Thursday, and filling in the spots that have been denied each day. Once the 36 spots or however many are filled and accepted, they will send out the rejection letters. They don't want to tell you that you're rejected if you might not be! Idk, that's just my understanding of the whole thing. It's like a different way of doing alternates. I know the wait sucks, but hang in there! :)

I've emailed both Gail and Joan early this morning and neither has gotten back to me. It's so frustrating. This is the last of 3 schools I applied to for the spring that I'm waiting to hear from. I didn't get into either of the others with 78-83 points. I just don't understand how that's not enough. I just want a yes or no so I can mentally move on to next semesters applications. I'm super bummed :(

Did anyone receive 3rd round letters?!?

Nope no decline letter here I'm just waiting for my decline cause Gail basically said I wasn't competitive enough

I still haven't heard back from Joan or Gail :/ can someone that's received an acceptance please tell me when orientation is?

I emailed today but Gail was out of the office today. Maybe they're only doing 2 rounds I had maybe 76pt or 74.

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