microbiology or physiology harder?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


i am getting ready to enroll for the fall and am finishing up anatomy. since i will be turning my application in around jan., i want to get one more good grade in a science course and i am trying to figure out whether to take micro or physiology. i dont want to take them at the same time, as i have been taking my science one at a time to get the best grade possible. ive talked to several people who have had micro,. but cant find anyone who has already taken physiology. i would love input as to what the classes are about and if one seems significantly harder than the other.

Physiology was not to bad, i took it at Penn state. I had a really good teacher, it may also depend on how anatomy was for you. I found physiology a bit easier than micro, but ultimately they were the same.

I had a med school prof for Physiology and it was HARD. But, I LOVED it. I have a fairly easy prof for Micro and it is only difficult because it bores the heck out of me. (I am not very motivated this semester.) I will end up getting the same grade both classes (B) but difficulty wise... Physiology should have delivered a D and Micro an A. I think it just depends on what you are interested in. Tip...do not get behind in your studying for Physio. Good luck.

I thought that physiology was alot harder actually, but sometimes it just depends on the teacher alot too. I had a hard teacher for Physiology. I had somewhat of an easy one for Micro. I thought both were interesting. I know that doesn't help you too much - maybe ask particularly at your school about the professors.

I really think it depends on your professor and how difficult they want to make it. Both classes are pretty intense. If you are just coming out of Anatomy, then Physio may be the way to go since things are fresh in your mind . In Anatomy you learned what the different systems were, so in Physio you will learn about how the different systems work (hormones, electrolytes, etc.). I did better in Micro than Physio. I took Micro in the summer, so there was not a lot of time for any extra projects. My Physio class was insane. There were papers, presentations, projects; in addition to the normal labs and lecture. It was a seemingly never-ending roller coaster.

I would definately say that physio was wayyy harder than micro!!! I thought micro was so incredibly fun and interesting! Definately go for micro!

In my state cc system anatomy and physiology are taught together in one course. A&P I and II can be used to fulfill the prereqs for micro alternatively you can use one year of gen bio. In short A&P is considered level I and is equal to gen biology. Micro is considered level II. This makes sense because physiology is a survey of the big picture and micro is a close in study of the details.

I found physio to be a lot harder than micro. I did really well in anatomy (I got an A in the course), but physio was super tough. I did enjoy it, though!

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I'm used to seeing A&P 1 and 2 as opposed to a separate anatomy and a separate physiology course. Thank goodness! Have not taken Micro yet. I'm retaking A&P 1 and 2 this summer because the accelerated BSN program I wish to attend does not accept courses taken more than 7 years ago (and I took them like 20 years ago :eek: .. ya think the body has changed much since then ... LOL! :p)

I found physio to be much harder than micro because of the way the instructors taught the courses. The micro teacher made everything straightforward. You could get As on the tests by having a basic understanding and doing a lot of memorization. The physio teacher, however, went beyond basic understanding and memorization. I still remember the gist of the final essay question. You had to refer to all body systems and what was possibly going on for a given situation in one to two full pages of writing. My brain was already fried by the time I got to that question. People who got an A in this class definitely deserved it.

I'm taking A&P2 right now, I don't plan on taking micro until nursing 3, so I have awhile (I start the nursing program this fall). I'm scared to take it because it's all microscopes and I don't do to well with that. So I hope it's not too bad. Good luck!

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